Is it normal to be nervous of blowing balloons up?

Whenever I have to blow up balloons I get very nervous and almost scared that they will burst. Despite this I have this urge to blow the balloon up to its extremest size. I seem to get a buzz from the risk involved. Does anyone recognise this?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • cryingallthetime

    Yes, it's normal to have any fear, it's not unusual to be scared of a loud noise. You have a common fear. You are not the only one having it. Sometimes life gives us a killer.

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  • shuggy-chan


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  • nakedman

    ofcourse it is- it could be the loud noise or the fact it could blind u- wateva the case is its perfectly normal.
    as 4 wanting 2 blow a big baloon- maybe u want an acheivement or maybe there is a daredevil inside u?


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    • Kiltieman

      Thats very true nakedman and in my case it seems to be the latter. Im still dead nervous and scared balloons burst with a bang but I think the 'flirting with danger' thing is a fascination. I have to say that I blow a few balloons up periodically to keep the phobia at bay and have actually got to the point where i have a great success rate in achieving the maximum balloon size without popping any. It never cures anything though.

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      • nakedman

        ...time will tell..

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      • Jeaneathean

        Have you seen those people who can blow up hot water bottles? Probably on YouTube or something I expect.

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        • Kiltieman

          Yes i have seen that but blowing up a hot water bottle doesnt seem to have the same appeal as balloons. I had a balloon phobia as a child and this is what led to me having a desire to push the boundaries with blowing them up now. Plenty about balloons being blown up on youtube and a few hot water bottles too. Its the loud bang when they burst thats scary

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  • Jeaneathean

    Interestingly a not-uncommon fear if you put 'balloons' into the search field above.

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    • Kiltieman

      Thanks Jeaneathean. I didnt think about that. Yes there does seem to be a lot more than me.

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      • Jeaneathean

        To reprise a previous response of mine.....

        They terrify me as well, and I know why. As a child I watched a TV programme where contestants had to blow up balloons. They had to wear frogman-style goggles as they inflated them in case they exploded and presumably blinded them.

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        • Kiltieman

          Thats interesting and I think theres almost always a cause in childhood for our fears if indeed we arnt born with them. For me it was when I was a child also and my Mum blew up a yellow balloon and drew a face on it. I played happily with the balloon and wondered at the smiling face for a while then patted it against a vase of roses on the table. Bang! I was tarumatised by both the loud sudden noise and also the fact that my nice smiling balloon was gone in a flash and a bang. It then stuck with me as you will know yourself.

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  • kelili

    I get nervous when blowing balloons and I don't like watching other people blowing them up. I don't like big balloons.

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    • Kiltieman

      Yes kelili thats my problem, I hate being next to others blowing balloons up. If I have control of it myself its not so bad but when other people are doing it I find it very nerve wracking.

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