Is it normal to be nice only with my close friends?
I have a friend that is relatively normal and kind within our group. However, it just surprises me how indifferent and cold he is with strangers or with people that he is not interested in befriending.
For example, he always talks to the waiters/waitresses or cashiers in a very impolite way. Also, whenever a friend of a friend joins a meeting, he completely avoids talking to the person, he never asks anything and doesn't even join conversations. He stopped talking to all his high school friends as well, he doesn't even say hi to them if he finds them in the street.
He isn't shy or anything, he is actually quite skillful socially. I have asked him several times why he acts like that, and he always says that he doesn't want to be an "hypocrite" or that he "doesn't need" anything from these people. And well, he implies that people that are kind with everyone are "phonies"... So, I just wondered... is it normal to think like that?