Is it normal to be obsessed with kung fu?

I bought the bruce lee dvd collection and after watching it got inspired to kick ass. I went to ebay, bought 50 more underground kung fu movies, bought 3 pairs of nun chucks, borrowed my friends punching bag, bought 15 wife beaters and some pairs of track pants, etc

I go around karate chopping people and when im not doing anything im always kicking the air yelling pseudo-asian rambles, i stare people in the eyes with a crazy look then go into a kung fu stance and tell them their gung fu is weak, etc

So am i insane or just the next bruce lee?

Voting Results
45% Normal
Based on 56 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Abtanazahx

    As long as you enjoy it and are good at it, keep it up. Flying kicks are awesome.

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  • ~L~

    I'll challenge you, I'm a gifted martial artist, if you can beat me, you must be good (I'm unbeaten in 9 years). I beat the Brazilian champion of my martial art when I was only 9 years old! She was a girl, but she was 20 at the time, so don't judge!

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  • paradoxinsoxs

    My friend is also crazy for Asian culture. I'd say just learn what you can train hard and meditate to achieve the goals you set for yourself

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  • jules_mae

    I don't know if it's normal but my bf does the same thing.. He loves Bruce lee.

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