Is it normal to be obsessed with minutiae (little details) in art?

So there's this particular picture that I am just about done with drawing on canvas and it looks beautiful. I'm happy with the amount of detail I paid particular attention to when drawing it. The painting is currently on a 11x14 canvas and there are just a few little details that I couldn't fit on to the edge of the canvas. My goal was to get every single detail down to the nitty gritty but it's nothing big at all that I couldn't fit. However I went to Kinkos and zoomed in more on the image which was printed out on a 11x17 piece of paper. Now I'm thinking of buying an 11x17 canvas so that I can fit those little minute details onto the canvas. Also there are small little details that I can see more clearly with the magnification. Again my overall goal was to get everything exact. While I know this will take some time, I am a dedicated artist. I plan on painting the one I am almost done with and after that I might possibly draw the picture again on an 11x17 canvas. What do you think? I love perfectionism.

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80% Normal
Based on 46 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Rappergirl

    It is an amazing thing that you care so much about your artwork

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  • callingfrom

    Normal or not, I'd say it's a good thing.

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  • candybee

    I also love small details. I was the same way in all of the drawing classes I took. Every great artist has their own trademark style that sets their work apart. Be happy that you found yours. You should make it your thing to create extremely detailed art. It may not be normal, but abnormality is kind of a requirement in the art world. There's actually a guy who creates microscopic sculptures in the eye of a needle. Uniqueness is good!

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  • imadragon

    I love the small details too.

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