Is it normal to be obsessed with vanishing with no trace?
I'm officially obsessed with vanishing with no trace. I don't have a real good reason for doing this, nonetheless I am focused on it intently. It is factored into every little thing I do.
For the last entire decade I have been strict about considering and planning for every detail regarding my future disappearance.
I figure at this point, I could EASILY disappear and no one would even know it for at least 2 or 3 months. That's a conservative estimate. And by no one, I literally mean NO ONE. Not my neighbors, not even the fucking mail man. NO ONE. I've thought of every person who might notice my absence in even the most minor way and laid a plan for all of them so they wouldn't be suspicious or concerned. Then, once someone notices I've gone, finding me will either not be considered at all (due to the strong foundation I've laid for this plan) or if someone really DID want to find me, it would be near impossible due to all of the lies I've told and planning I have done.
Is this normal at all?