Is it normal to be offended by the use of the f word
when i hear people use the "F" word I cringe, why is this word so popular now??
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when i hear people use the "F" word I cringe, why is this word so popular now??
So if someone says "fuck" in your presence what do you do? Gasp, back away, and say "WELL! I NEVER!"
It's a fucking word. People do shit that's way worse than saying a stupid word.
Stay in your house and only consume media rated 12 or lower. Problem solved.
I say fuck probably 3 times a sentence. It’s really quite impressive. Lofuckingl
As crazy as it sounds, it would depend on who is saying it. If it was one of my brother's friends, then ok. Whatever. But if it was my mother saying it freely, I would be pretty weirded out but not offended. It's ironic because I say it quite often.
It's just a word. If you're going to be offended by a mere word, perhaps it's time to be concerned by why you are so easily offended, rather than why a word carries such offence.
I think it's a bit annoying and cringey when I hear some edgelord saying it every other word (and obviously doing it because they think it's "cool" rather than that it's actually warranted), but otherwise I'm pretty desensitized to it. I work with a bunch of people like this.
I use it when I'm very frustrated or pissed off, but that's about it.
I’m a little to old to be offended by a word, taking offence to a sound or piece of text is for fucking retards
If you're not a fucker who can talk about fucking, you probably have little in common with the rest of us.
I'm not especially offended by curse words, but when I hear a person use the same old curse words over, and over again I tend to think that person is quite inarticulate with a small vocabulary.
Yeah I have a few friends who thinks it's offensive and always apologizes when they use the F-word
Depends on a lot like how you were raised. My mother in law never says it and thinks its terribly wrong. My mom uses it sometimes. Me? Lets just say my son was saying " open the fuckin door! " at age 3.
I wouldn't have thought so apart from the last few years. Someone made a post about being triggered by the word retarded the other day. I think nowadays a hell of a lot of people are offended by words. Maybe they just don't say it because they still know the majority aren't and they don't want to be seen as a pussy.
We used retard growing up. I stopped using it but recently my actually retarded friend used it lol idk.
If you follow through on the logic to stop using retarded then you should stop using a load of insults, dude. You'd have to get rid of idiot, spacker, invalid, imbecile, spaz, moron, nutter, psycho hell even telling someone they smell like shit or can't grow a proper beard genuinely should go out the window.
A hell of a lot of insults come from characteristics that are displayed because humans are capable of understanding that certain characteristics are bad. So long as you don't actually walk up to a Down's Syndrome guy and call him a retard then you're fine.
I’m not offended, but it sounds bad when used too often or in regular conversation.
Has anyone heard the Billy Connolly song "a four letter word" sung to the tune of "a four legged friend?"
I find it more sophomoric when it’s over-used. I find it most effective when it’s used to denote how strongly one feels about something. If every other word is the f-bomb, either in normal speech or even in a comedy routine, it just tells me the person doesn’t have a very good vocabulary.