Is it normal to be osd? and if so, what type are they/ is it?

1. You know those people that can't stand touching other people? Well, I have that, but for me, it's family members (parents and younger brother)- it just feels weird and gross. When I do make contact with them, I have this sudden urge to scratch what part of my body touched them, which is usually my hands. I also don't like touching things right after they have- for example when they use my laptop, I have to wipe it. I don't know why it's just family members- I mean, sometimes for strangers, but mostly them. I never had any traumatic experiences... but incest disgusts me greatly, if that adds anything to it.

2. The same as above, but for sounds. When my dad swears out of anger or makes a certain noise with his mouth (I hate noises that come out of people's mouths ≥_≤), I have to "clean" my ears with my fingers. Though when I'm in the car with him and I do that, I have to act casual when I do it, since they don't know what the fuck I'm doing. When my brother swears, he just sounds stupid -__-u, and my mom's sneezes cause a reaction. I also used to do this thing where I would kind of "snort" out of my nose, as if that would get rid of the sound.

3. When I see something disturbing, I used to blink hard a lot- kind of like the light switch thing, but with blinking. I do it less, but sometimes I catch myself doing it- just blinking less frequently and less harder.

4. I also used to do the light switch thing a lot. Same with the blinking, I do it less, but I'll catch myself doing it. It's usually always at night when I'm going to sleep

5. Even thinking about these noises, images, or thoughts cause a reaction. For example, when I was typing about touching people, I just scratched my hands, and I just did the blinking and the ear "cleaning" thing.

If this is OCD, what type is it? Also, how would I tell my parents, "I think I may have OCD, can I see a doctor?" without fear of feeling ridiculed or embarrassed? I'm not that close with my family... not in a hateful relationship, but there are certain things I'm not comfortable sharing with them.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • KokoroComplex

    The title's suppose to say, is this OCD, not is it normal to be OCD... they fucked it over >_>

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  • Allison3469

    This is definitely OCD :( I understand completely. It really, really sucks.

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    • KokoroComplex

      Now I'm finding out I may have a hoarding problem T_T. What? I may need it in the future :O

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  • gutta269

    Yep that's OCD

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  • KokoroComplex

    SORRY, TYPO: OSD is supposed to say OCD. X(

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  • dappled

    Very occasionally there are stories here that make me want to give someone a hug and try to make it better. This is one of them, although it may not be appropriate in your case.

    It sounds very much like you are suffering with OCD. You don't need to tell your family, but it may help if you approach your family doctor.

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    • KokoroComplex

      You can still hug me, lol- it's just with certain people X(

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