Is it normal to be otaku with this one exception?

Is it okay to be otaku about the japanese culture?(mainly over anime and jpop) As long as I'm not one of those wannabe Japanese girls who's disrespectful to the culture and makes a total fool of herself?It seems to be mainly a girls thing but I could be totally wrong. But anyways,Is it okay?Iv bought a few Japanese type clothing items,I have a fairly nice collection of manga for a beginner,and I love all the music mostly even Japanese metal!But I'm wondering,Is it okay? I kinda feel guilty about it.I don't want everyone to think I want to be Japanese.I'm thankful I was born where I am,I just so happen to love most of the things there and was wandering if it's normal?:)

Voting Results
80% Normal
Based on 49 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 31 )
  • SirSlenderMan

    I'm an avid anime fan but I can hate the anime fanbase for the most part sometimes. Always putting everything from Japan as the superior creation and can be annoying as hell. I love anime but I'm the kind of person that makes fun of alot of things and anime of all things can be such an easy target so I sure as hell flame how silly it can get just for fun. Doing this though has got my shit jumped so many times by these people who think it's taboo and can never take any joke if it's aimed at their favorite show. I make fun of MY favorite shows. I'm not even a dick about it, I just don't get too fanatical about this stuff.

    Anime fanatics can be ridiculous. I remember knowing a girl who was a big anime fan and would give me shit because I prefer to listen my type of music more so than japanese bands. She spouted random japanese words she heard from shows despite not being fluent in japanese at all and was nuts if you ask me. Also always feeling the need to jump my shit if I'd refer to anime or manga occasionally as comics or cartoons where in reality that is still exactly what they are. Don't become one of those people.

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  • RockerRoseanne


    What you are describing is known as a 'weeaboo'. We don't like them.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    The only otakus that really get my goat are the ones that have that dirty, greasy long hair (they want their hair long like the anime girls but have no clue as to how to care for it!), wear all anime gear and tell people that they are "baka" as an insult. None of the other qualities even bother me, aside from the "baka" thing, but since they fit the general profile of the idiots who spout random Japanese shit like it even matters, I felt the need to mention it.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Meh, I have a friend who does that. She's really into all kinds of foreign music and she loves cursing people out in multiple languages at once. I think it's hysterical, especially when she changes languages mid rant.

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    • SangoNyappy

      Haha you would hate my old friend from elementary school. She always used random Japanese words to show how "cool" she is and it was really fucking annoying. She even used "arigatou" when I took her to her first sushi restaurant just because the cook was Asian. She also has really bad hair and acts like weaboo so people always think I'm like her because I'm otaku too even though I do none of this. It's just shameful and I think it gives bad name to other otakus.

      But I think when otakus wear cosplay to anime cons it's ok as long as it's not wearing some shit from anime for everyday life.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        I went to High School with a guy who wore a Naruto headband... EVERYWHERE, ALL OF THE TIME.
        He went on a TV show called Made on MTV and they gave him a whole new makeover and he still insisted on wearing the headband and Naruto gloves and six months later, he looked like Otaku shit again.

        What a dumbass.

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    • Epofly

      Reminds me of a family member I have, who tells people she is Japanese although half of her blood is constituted of a different kind of Asian. >.>

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        I have a sister who was born on a military base in Asia who, for the longest time, told people that she was Asian because she was born in Asia.

        She's pretty damned white, by the way.

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  • TheCakeIsALie

    Awww rexter that's not very nice......

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  • lelouch82

    The people that deny their own culture and wanting to BE considered a Japanese civilian (mainly people who are ignorant about the Japanese culture and make a fool out of themselves as you say) is not an otaku actually is, these people you are describing are called weeaboos. It's very important to discern the difference!

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  • Nunallyn

    Yeah I'm a black otaku and I don't fit that rule either.

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  • deathnote_fan

    Thank you spark:3

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  • spark007

    I'm Japanese! And I love manga and such just like you do, and I know you won't be a wannabe at all. Just be a normal Otaku, all my friends are lol! If you like the things you like there's not a problem. In fact, it's wonderful.

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  • Rexter

    u used the word otaku in an english text.
    you are a wannabe japanese.

    go die.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    It is fine to love another culture. Nothing wrong with it at all. Those fan girls you are talking about are very rude and stupid. They would gladly badmouth their own culture and worship another. I don't think most people mind anime nerds. They hate the ones that act like they are better since they have this idea they are really FROM JAPAN. A lot of people like anime. You could learn Japanese, eat ramen noodles, and do origami. It does not mean anything. I think being proud and realizing who you are is going to make your country look good. Not being a stupid kiss up.

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  • NormalPrick

    Its fine that you like Japanese culture and honestly it doesn't matter how you go about it. Do what you want to because it doesn't matter what you do someones going to have a problem with it.

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  • Fabulous

    Wieners n wine, wieners n wine

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  • OswaldCobblepot

    It's ok as long as you're not this guy:

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I want to learn japanese then i can play all the cool games that don't get release over here.

    Saying that Project X Zone didn't suffer the same fate as Namco X Capcom and it is getting released in the Uk/Us this summer i can't wait.

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  • suckonthis9

    Please refrain from using the confusing term "okay", of uncertain origin, probably Choctaw and / or Bantu.

    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

    "Otaku" is fine, as it can be referenced, and there isn't an English equivalent for that term.

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    • Gravy

      ok, but we found our way here, so one would also have the potential to look something up, if interested. You do seem a little anal n over moderate at times.

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      • suckonthis9

        I apologize if my demeanor is somewhat overbearing. I have been a little stressed in Enlightening the world. Once again, my humblest apologies.
        Please refrain from using the abbreviated word that you used at the start of your last comment, especially at the beginning of a sentence, as you did.

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        • Gravy

          I too have the same feeling of slight agitation and want to spifflicate the user of poor grammar, but its farking hard to type on the phone with huge sausage fingers. So I abbreviate and use T9 on the 3x4 number pad. Please, no apologies, I really enjoy a little friendly jest and light hearted argument. Sorry in advance. And you've even challenged me in refraining from using the little baby assorted Cheeses name in vain. Sorry again. But please not ask me to stop using the eff word as it is such a wonderfarkingful adjective with over 10k meanings.

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          • suckonthis9

            Fine. You are still able to use the "f" word, WHERE APPROPRIATE.

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