Is it normal to be out of breath after dancing with a dog?

so I was dancing with my brother's dog for about 30 seconds and then I had to sit back down because I was really out of breath. he is a big dog, so it is pretty hard to lift him, so it's not like I was dancing with a chihuahua. but this usually doesn't happen to me, I can run for like a block before I have to stop.

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46% Normal
Based on 13 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • PhillipLoco

    Go see a Doctor

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  • CountessDouche

    You're out of shape, like everyone said above. I'm sure that's shitty news, but if you start slow, you can easily gain stamina. Doing easy exercise like walking, swimming, or riding your bike, and slowly increasing distance and intensity isn't really difficult. You don't have to push yourself like crazy to get in shape; just do a little more each day.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    If you're not out of shape, you're probably just not used to that kind of physical activity.

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  • mysistersshadow

    OMFG... That sounds like you are terribly out of shape.

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  • benvigil

    like myself, your out of shape and maybe you smoke?

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