Is it normal to be overly frightened of death?

Alot of times I think about death. There's alot you can do in life, but then you die. You don't think, you don't do anything. Just black nothingness.

I think of this alot, and it really scares me. It scares me much more than an average person, I think. I sometimes really hope there is an afterlife to avoid this. Do you think this is normal?

It's normal. I think this way, too. 31
It's normal. I don't think this way, though. 19
I don't know if it's normal or not. 7
It isn't normal at all. 8
Other (Leave a Comment) 1
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Comments ( 8 )
  • JenAus1217

    I'm sure that you are not the only one who is afraid of death. To me, death is a mystery because no one really knows how death does feel like or how a person would turn out to be after they die. It's okay to be afraid, for fear is the nature of human beings. But it would be problematic if you're overly scared of it. Maybe you should try to think that since death is something you cannot control, and thinking about it over and over again wouldn't help you to figure it out, you should just put it down. Life is short. What matters is the way you live it. Live like there's no tomorrow and tell yourself your mission of today is to enjoy every second you have.

    If you still find death something very intimidating to you, you may want to find solace through religion. You can go to church and look for answers. No matter you believe religion or not, they do give out helpful advice. I'm a Christian myself, and I'm a believer of people going to heaven after death.

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    Death is the end of your existence, if that didn't scare you I don't know what would. My mind brings up the idea of death fairly often, and when that happens it troubles me a lot.

    I guess the only thing you can do is concentrate on your life, not your death.

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  • Dizzee

    There are days where I keep praying and praying that I would get some incurable disease so I can die young, then there are days where shadows at night will freak me out and I'll be like "I'm too young to die. ;__;" However, I agree with anyone who says that you shouldn't be afraid.

    I do believe in an afterlife though... or at least something like it. Also, I think that people who die get a option of re-living if they think that they didn't live their last life to the fullest.

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  • joybird

    When I was a teen I used to think that just putting the lid on my coffin and leaving me alone in the dark would be heaven enough. All I wanted was some peace. However, as we're brain dead we wouldn't be aware of the darkness, it would just be like being asleep.

    I haven't thought about this for many years now, since I moved away from home and am happy.

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  • squirrellvr

    I too have been feeling the same. I think about it every day. That its inevitable, i have no way out of the matter, death will happen and when will it happen. And then i try to remember that i cant control this and i need to not think about it. There is nothing i can do and i just freak myself out and ruin my day. So at least we are all in the same boat :) youre not alone...we all have a terminal illness called life.

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  • Oasis808

    I think when you die, life will be a lot like it was before you were born. suuuucks

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  • weinereater

    I have a fear of death also and its weird because logically in my mind I have no fear of it. I guess its scary like trying anything new. Whats the worst that can happen tho? Thinking of eternity of darkness is scary but just remember you dont get to experience the darkness so I guess its not so bad? Afterlife? Wow that would be a bonus.

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  • Quiznos

    You just hae to live your life the way you want it. Death is a natural part of life. I realy shouldn't be feared once you really think about it. Just make your time here on this earth the best you can make it and the fear will slowly go away.

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