Is it normal to be overly worried about internet trolls?
Well before I just recently stumbled across this website, I frequently used another app that has a similar vibe. You could ask questions, debate answers; it was great. Until I was targeted by a user who told me to "go kill yourself," and even got other members to join in. He targeted me because my responses were "robotic," though I think what he meant was that my responses had correct spelling and showed genuine effort in using correct grammar (I like to think so). The conflict was eventually solved and the user did apologize to me. Goes to show killing em' with kindness does work sometimes! Yet still after it was all said and done and the apology was given, I felt absolutely horrible inside and still do. I can't get the words out of my head. Not because I am suicidal or suffer from depression, but because it was the meanest and most hateful thing I've ever been told. I couldn't believe it and still can't believe the user said this...even after the apology. Anyways, is it normal that these ridiculous words are still running through my mind? Why am I finding it so hard to brush myself off and try again? It's actually holding me back from participating in online discussions, which is something I love to do.