Is it normal to be paranoid?

I have a real and constant fear of being falsely imprisoned and not having any recourse because of my race. Or that a police officer can shoot and kill me for the smallest misunderstanding and no punishment will be appropriate for the mishap.

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48% Normal
Based on 50 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • flowergirl87

    I don't know what race you are, but given the way that there's still racism within areas of society, no one can blame you for having this kind of thing on your mind. : / You shouldn't have to, of course. However, it does sound like you're a bit paranoid, yes. If the fear is really interfering with your life then it's out of control and you need to make an attempt to try and rationalise it. I knew of someone who thought they were being followed and they weren't, it was just paranoia. And I know it really messed her life up for a bit.

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    • flowergirl87

      P.s. Also fellow worrier.

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  • Karmasbitch

    In this day and age, it's pretty normal to feel this way. I know I worry about it pretty often.
    Then again, I worry about a lot of things a little too much maybe..

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