Is it normal to be paranoid about everyone around you?

For some reason, I always seem to start worrying about what people are doing and saying. If someone is laughing, I'll think they are laughing at me. When I'm walking down the hall at school, I'll hear an insult in someone's conversation and think it's about me. I don't know why, but the thought just pops in my head and sticks there. I usually try to ignore it, but when I hear something I'll start to hear it over and over again which makes me believe that it's true. I do have friends though who try to reassure me that it's in my head but I can't believe them. I'm also really paranoid that my friends don't like me. Whenever they do anything, I'll somehow connect it to the thought that they are avoiding me or just don't like me. Is this Normal?

Voting Results
57% Normal
Based on 44 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • TheWonderer

    Me too

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  • webspun

    do you smoke weed? if yes id stop.
    if no im thinking you got some inner demons to fight. go see your doctor

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  • BeMyPokemon?:D

    I'm EXTREMELY PARANOID of the people who come close to me or my friends and family if their strangers. Especially men. It's normal. It just means you take percautions. That's smart. And NORMAL

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  • Anime7

    I'd say it's normal, although not healthy. It sounds like you have a low self-esteem which obviously isn't good. I think that a lot of people are paranoid when they pass by a group of people who start to giggle as they walk past. I think that you should just stop caring about what others think. Live your life for yourself, not for others.

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