Is it normal to be petrified of chicken pox?

Is it normal that I am petrified of chicken pox? I have never had it and am a teenage girl. I have always had a secret on it and have been really afraid of ever having chicken pox. I don't like when people say chicken pox and I won't say it aloud if anyone can hear me, because I'm afraid that if I do I'll catch it. At times I will dream about having it, which makes me even more scared. If I have a lucid dream I start screaming chicken pox, since I won't say it in real world and I guess my subconscious wants me too. I am also afraid of other itchy diseases and being itchy in general. Like if I have a little rash or itch that lasts for even a few minutes I start freaking out. Is it normal to be this afraid of a childhood disease?

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59% Normal
Based on 41 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Ono

    There's a vaccine for chicken pox which provides about 90% protection. Speak with your doctor about it.

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  • moomus

    Nope u normally can get it once but if your immune system doesn't recognise it and you come in contact with it again you can get it more than once. The doctor said it was his immune system that didn't recognise it. I know a few people who had it more than once but it's quite rare

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  • Almostreal

    I had i when I was 14 , it was no biggie trust me, itchy for a week, thats all. I have had head colds that felt worse. Our parents have all had it, our gandparents have had it... Don't worry so much. Even if you get it you'll be fine. Also Moomus? You can only get it once. Your brother must have had something else.

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  • mirs

    I've had the vaccine, but I'm still afraid of it. I know it makes no sense and it is obsessive.

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  • moomus

    My brother had it 4 times and I couldn't get it. Maybe u won't get it but get the vaccine

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  • i had it last year, it disturbed my sleeping pattern, i was like a zombie for 3 months unable to relax

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  • Shackleford96

    No, that is quite obsessive.

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