Is it normal to be petrified of chicken pox?
Is it normal that I am petrified of chicken pox? I have never had it and am a teenage girl. I have always had a secret on it and have been really afraid of ever having chicken pox. I don't like when people say chicken pox and I won't say it aloud if anyone can hear me, because I'm afraid that if I do I'll catch it. At times I will dream about having it, which makes me even more scared. If I have a lucid dream I start screaming chicken pox, since I won't say it in real world and I guess my subconscious wants me too. I am also afraid of other itchy diseases and being itchy in general. Like if I have a little rash or itch that lasts for even a few minutes I start freaking out. Is it normal to be this afraid of a childhood disease?