Is it normal to be phobic of taxi cabs?

Ever since I was young I was always scared of things like getting kidnapped/raped by strangers, which is a big fear that taxi cabs might just be a branch of that bigger fear. I am always afraid that the taxi driver wont let me out and I'll be locked in the cab or that they wont go where I am going. Anything like that. It's not a racial issue either cause it wouldn't matter who is driving the cab, I'd still be terrified to get in cause you are 1-on-1 with a stranger. Public transit buses done freak me out because it's just that, public. Lots of people are always around so it comforts me.
I'd do anything in my power to find different forms of transportation to get to place to avoid having to call a cab. Is my fear normal?

Voting Results
67% Normal
Based on 6 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • NotStrangeBird

    Don't get in an unlicensed taxi.

    Do you have any idea how much a taxi license costs in most cities?

    They're not gonna jeopardize that license by wasting their time with your sorry ass.

    And besides, when I pick up chicks on streetcorners with my taxi, they usually end up in the sack with me.

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  • Twickers

    Perhaps you would feel safer carrying some kind of self defense? You, in all likelihood, will probably never have to use it (I hope!) but it might make you feel safer...pepper spray, utility knife, etc. I don't know what's legal in your part of the world.

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  • Geneva5

    Maybe just take a shit in yr pants as soon as you get in the cab ?

    I find this usually works a treat.

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