Is it normal to be plain blank ??!
Obviously I get tongue tied when we chat online .. My mind is simply BLANK! whenever he says ok "Your turn to ask" In my head I hope not to say something stupid as I did before. Sometimes I'm afraid that he would find me boring.. Cause i don't talk much. I almost know everything about him as well as he does about me. Sometimes I just can't find any topic to talk about.
We were friends way before I noticed that he likes me and we do have so much in common.. I see him from time to time and I don't get tongue tied when we're talking face to face. It's usually me who opens any conversation.
I know we need to spend more time in person. But, we can't meet regularly cause we have projects so it's usually on the phone or online.
Is it normal to be blank that way?? I thought of doing a new activity just to experience something to tell about.. yes I reached my limits.. I don't want him to get bored of me..