Is it normal to be prone to extreme flinching?

When i say extreme, i mean EXTREME. As in, I'm sitting there eating a chicken, and all of a sudden it drops on my plate and i flinch like i expect it to splatter all over my face.
also, i flinch around people, but that's a whole different story.
Well, that's the most extreme part of it. But what's strange is that sometimes I don't flinch. At all. Like I'm talking to my friend and then I swing my cup of tea around so the stuff splashes out and I DON'T EVEN NOTICE. My friend's standing there staring like I killed a bear or something, and then I notice AFTER she tells me about it. Seriously. Well, I guess that's just clumsiness, maybe. I was wondering whether that's related to flinching.

Voting Results
53% Normal
Based on 32 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Bannef

    Very normal. I've been very twitchy my whole life, at certain times more than others, and personally I think it's because I am sensitive to "sensory overload" - like when there's a lot of noise, and people jostling you, or whatever. Adding something else to that mix, like someone touching me, can be extremely distracting and jarring. So if I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed it's worst than other times.

    That's just me, obviously, and it runs in my family. You'll figure it out!

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  • You just have super fast reflexes... ninja status

    always be alert young cricket

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    • Quiblum

      haha, thanks

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