Is it normal to be proselytized ?

I recently became an atheist, and I told my friends. They were obviously a little bit upset but said they were okay with it because It was my choice. They said they'd pray for me, and I was okay with that. But now they'll use ANY excuse to bring up their religion. I try to abstain from yelling or arguing, but they won't shut up about it. I've told them to please stop, and they haven't. If anything they've done it more. HELP ME!!

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33% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Avant-Garde

    It is an important part of the Christian faith to go around trying to convert people. Had your friends been Jews, they wouldn't try to convert you, unless they were Jews for Jesus. 

    There are some cool Christians who won't go cruising around for people to convert, but in my experience, they've been a bit of a rarity. Then there are Christians, who while they won't overtly try to convert you, they show extreme hate towards you. :(

    When my mother became a devout Born Again Christian, she kept asking me over and over again if I had accepted Jesus as my saviour. I lied a lot. We had so many explosive arguments about this and in the heat of it, I viewed myself as an atheist. 

    I ended up switching to Buddhism and there are no arguments except the occasion sadness, near crying, shouting, and anger, all on her end. Another thing that I've noticed that Christians will do if they find out that you aren't a Christian, is to try to slander your faith. 

    You have no idea how many times she has desperately tried to convince me that Buddhists worship Buddha as a God and that they worship many Gods by Boeing down to statues. I have tried to tell her do many times that she is mistaken and getting information from the wrong places. No amount of educating her on the three schools of thought and the history on the travel of Buddhism seems to work. She always comes back with the same argument. 

    I put up with her because, she is my mother. Besides disagreeing about religion, there are many things that we do agree on. However, say acquaintances, friends or family, tried to convert me. I am not going to put up with that BS, especially if they refused to stop their behaviour. 

    Eventually, you have to decide for your whether it is worth it to keep company with your friends. They feel that they are doing the right thing, when in fact, they aren't. They will always be people out there that share your beliefs. If you want to stay friends with them anyway, I'm sorry, but you probably shouldn't have told them of your conversion. I don't think that they will ever stop trying to get you back.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Don't think it's normal, but it's probably more normal than me, and I'm perhaps too idealistic. I'm a Roman Catholic, but I'm trying not to push my beliefs on others. I certainly don't appreciate it when others push their beliefs on me regardless of what religion they are or whether or not they have a religion.

    This is why all the etiquette books advise people to steer clear of topics like politics and religion in polite conversation.

    I think it's all right for someone to say they will pray for you if you say you're having a hard time or you're sick or something regardless of what religion they are or whether or not you hold religious beliefs, because they're essentially hoping that things will get better for you. However, I don't think this is what your friends are doing. I can certainly see why you would be annoyed with their passive aggressive so called prayers for you. Although I'm a Christian myself I find it to be extremely annoying and downright boorish when Born Again Christians, Fundamentalists and Evangelicals start proselytizing to me. If a person is sincere in their prayers to God for you or anyone else for that matter they don't need to make a big fuss about it; no one but God himself really needs to know.

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  • thegypsysailor

    In Tahiti this kid on an American sailboat made it his mission to 'bring me into the fold'. For a couple of weeks I let him jabber away, paying scant attention, but not being overt about it. Finally he began on how jesus had foretold the future, something about Rome and the 7 hills I don't remember exactly, and I'd had enough. I turned to him with a huge smile on my face, trying to show the light of god in my eyes and said, "I believe! I do, I understand now." "You do?" he answered his face lighting up so. "Yes I get it now, jesus was a time traveler." The poor kid walked away shaking his head, and never said another word to me. True story.
    Hope this helps.

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  • disthing

    My mate used to get the same, but from atheist friends - because he was a Christian. They'd use any excuse to bring up religion and challenge his beliefs to the point where it was tedious.

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    • Joyful

      thank-you, that is exactly how it feels to be a christian. when people are challenging you and you try to answer you are accused of preaching. just cant win.

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  • Joyful

    i admit everything comes down to religion for me but not because I'm trying to convert people but because i spend most of my time with other believers. i think about god all the time it's hard to have to walk on egg shells around people in case u say the wrong thing and offend. plus i have to listen to things from my friends i don't like or agree with without complaining.I have a few friends who don't believe and i love them even if they don't agree with me. sometimes people need to be more honest and just say "i don't mean to be rude but can we talk about something else" get rid of them if they don't respect you as i would get rid of someone that didn't have respect for me.

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  • Mikkjal

    Well, nobody here can help you. Disassociate with them, if they bother you too much about it, despite your requests for them not to. You will likely face Christian proselytizers throughout life if they know you aren't Christian, since a great many of them find it to be extremely important and God-ordained to bug the hell out of non-Christians with regards to conversion attempts. As a pagan, I've had plenty of encounters with hopeful proselytizers.

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  • sexysonofsam

    Some things are best left unsaid...

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  • TKDWolf1

    I think it's normal for Christians to try and convert you, it's what they believe is the right thing to do and they're worried about you burning in hell (or maybe they need more money for their church so they need more concerts). I told my family that I appreciate their concern and look on their attempts as acts of love, but I told them nicely if they kept preaching at me I'd disassociate myself with them. I told them also that they're welcome to pray for me all they want in the privacy of their own homes and if God wanted me to be a Christian he'd work mysteriously and miraculously and I'd see the light. It's very hard not to sound sarcastic when you say that though lol.

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    • TKDWolf1

      *converts not concerts

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