Is it normal to be proud of confederate flag and be black?
My partner just asked me, a black man, he is white, if being from the south I am offended by Johnny Rebel, the Confederate flag. I I am NOT I feel that Johnny rebel represents the Confederate states of the United States if you can call it that. The Confederate Flag is not a symbol of hate, the people who worship the flag uses it as a symbol of hate. The Confederacy was still part of the United States. They TRIED to succeed from the Union, but were thwarted by the Union. We won, people. Why can we not accept that the south is still part of the US. Hello. I am proud of my family, southern, and what we have accomplished. My father a South Carolina boy married my mom a Georgia peach. His father fought in Korea, he missed Vietnam cuz he was in college. My mom's brothers fought in Granada, and first gulf war. My brother did four tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, my baby brother buried ebola victims, my cousin, who is white, btw, fought in Iraq as well. MY Dad was at Pentagon on 9/11. We, as a family, are proud of our Southern heritage and fortunately, or unfortunately that includes Johnny Rebel...