Is it normal to be proud of confederate flag and be black?

My partner just asked me, a black man, he is white, if being from the south I am offended by Johnny Rebel, the Confederate flag. I I am NOT I feel that Johnny rebel represents the Confederate states of the United States if you can call it that. The Confederate Flag is not a symbol of hate, the people who worship the flag uses it as a symbol of hate. The Confederacy was still part of the United States. They TRIED to succeed from the Union, but were thwarted by the Union. We won, people. Why can we not accept that the south is still part of the US. Hello. I am proud of my family, southern, and what we have accomplished. My father a South Carolina boy married my mom a Georgia peach. His father fought in Korea, he missed Vietnam cuz he was in college. My mom's brothers fought in Granada, and first gulf war. My brother did four tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, my baby brother buried ebola victims, my cousin, who is white, btw, fought in Iraq as well. MY Dad was at Pentagon on 9/11. We, as a family, are proud of our Southern heritage and fortunately, or unfortunately that includes Johnny Rebel...

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36% Normal
Based on 45 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 45 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    My Irish ancestors immigrated to NC/TN in the 1600's and many of them fought in the Civil War on the Confederate side. My Mother is Alabama born, Grandmother Georgia born and I am Georgia born. I'm about as southern as it gets and as much as I love my homestate and the south as a whole, I really don't give two shits about this flag.

    The US Flag is the flag of my country.
    The US Flag is the flag I was born under.
    The United States of America is the country I pledge allegiance to and serve under.

    THAT is our nation's flag. THIS is our nation. That is a nearly indisputable fact. What IS disputable? What the Confederate flag stands for. The south IS still a part of the US. Which is why their only concern should be for the US Flag, not a symbol that nobody can agree over.

    I wouldn't have advocated for it to be brought down but I don't care whether or not it is put back up.

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    • anti-hero

      Why do people care so much about the American flag? That flag has just as much racism, hate and bloodshed (Native Americans etc.) connected to it if not more. Let's get rid of all flags.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Because it's the flag of our country. This is still the US, homes.

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        • anti-hero

          Meh, I'm not a believer in countries or governments. We are all just people on earth.

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  • modernism

    I'm not here to aruge, feel the way you feel - that's competely okay regardless of your race. But let me just innocently drop a quote said by the designer of the confederate flag, William Thompson:

    “As a people we are fighting to maintain the heavenly ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematical of our cause. Such a flag would be a suitable emblem of our young confederacy, and sustained by the brave hearts and strong arms of the south, it would soon take rank among the proudest ensigns of the nations, and be hailed by the civilized world as the white man's flag."

    *slowly walks away*

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    • NeofelisNebulosa

      Here's a quote from Alexander Stephens, the Vice President of the CSA: "Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."

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      • modernism

        Damn. That's even worse. >.<

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    • mistie

      Jeez never heard this quote before, good find. I always figured it represented white supremacy but it was always just an assumption

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  • gloryholeflasher

    My heritage is half Yankee and half Dixie. I feel the confederate flag represents the same attitudes as the Nazi swastica represents, which is superiority and hate. I don't think it has any business flying or being displayed in US or state government institutions or functions.

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  • qualityaristocrat

    Failed rebels should be hanged. That Jefferson Davis and Lee were not is a failure on Lincoln's part.

    The confederate flag should have been banned in 1865. Sedition should never be tolerated.

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    • anti-hero

      Your ancestors backed the south, mate.

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      • qualityaristocrat

        Not at all. I'm a Yankee through and through.

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        • anti-hero

          My mistake. The username made me think your character was a posh Brit.

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          • qualityaristocrat

            It is a sad truth of the United States that the closest thing we ever had to a landed aristocracy was the plantation holding class. Other than that it's been mostly degenerate plutocrats.

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            • anti-hero

              The same plantations where the slaves where? So why name yourself after that?

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  • RoseIsabella

    I ain't mad at ya, baby. My Southern heritage is quite small, but I'm fine with it and still very proud. My dad is a Yankee from Pennsylvania and my mom is an immigrant from Colombia. I was born in Fort Benning, Georgia and raised in Houston, Texas. I'm an American by birth, but Southern by the grace of God! ♡

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    • NeofelisNebulosa

      I used to live at Fort Benning!!!!

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      • RoseIsabella

        Cool beans!

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      • anti-hero


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  • peridot

    Honestly I find the whole 'flag debate' ridiculous. You do not NEED a flag to show southern pride. The confederate flag doesn't have the greatest history, through my eyes it represents the division of our country and the resulting thousands of deaths because of it. I'm not proud of slaughter

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  • nameless-girl

    Yes it is normal for white trash like yourself to be proud of a symbol of hatred. Stop using that black man to hide your racist bigoted ways, cracker

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  • woodchuckgra

    The CSA are a nonexising reality that men tried to take fron ideology to reality. The Conferderate flag represents a pride of a people, and was taken and distorted to a hate symbol. I do not agree with many views, but respect their right to belive in these views. Do not respect the clan but support their right to protest and assemble in hate. Glad my mom chose to have me rather than abort me, but respect women's right to have them.

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  • timebobbu

    Yes because the South is essentially a geographic location that values states rights and protecting itself from various things like the Alamo and some fascist regimes.

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  • green_boogers

    Sounds as if Americans in the industrial north make rifles, tanks, planes, ships, and submarines. Sounds like folks in the deep south join the military to use these weapons to kick ass for "Team America".

    Whoa. What a combination.

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