Is it normal to be rude to people on this site?

I think a lot of people on this site are rude and abusive to each other because they don't have to face the consequences. It's easy when you're anonymous. But does it make you a better person? What if you do it so often you start treating people you come across like that? Then you'd have to face reality.

Voting Results
70% Normal
Based on 33 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • mrbrownfinger

    Is anyone even serious with their dumb questions on here? If you're asking on here I assume you're taking the piss and my reply will be to take the piss out of that.

    If you want serious answers ask your stepmom / sister / cousin after you've fucked them.

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  • mysistersshadow

    I give answers based on the OP. If it sounds sincere I'm sincere. If it sounds stupid I'm a little less kind.

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  • Social interaction without repercussion is realer than reality. When you go out in the real world and listen to all the "how to make friends and influence people" fake pieces of shit, you're getting a false impression of how people really are. That's not a real human personality, that's a manipulator.

    Interaction with nothing to gain or lose from the interaction is real human personality being displayed, and that's what you get online.

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  • Ellenna

    Normal for some people, but fortunately not compulsory. Hang about, you'll soon work out which people just aren't worth bothering with and will do anything for attention, even if it's downvotes and reports

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  • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#S3

    No there's a complete disconnect/partition between the internet and real life. Think of it like a video game where you shoot your opponent, you're not shooting him in real life.

    This website is a fuckin videogame. Pure entertainment.

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  • 1lothi1

    Yes it is normal.

    A lot of people are shitty but you don't see them being shitty in real life because of the consequences.

    On the internet people can be shitty without the consequences, reading comments online is a good way to see what people are really like.

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  • Tobyrh

    I try to be as helpful and direct on this site as possible I've only been a couple days on here and still got to figure stuff out like how to dislike a comment and stuff. I've seen some rude people and some bad trolls, but I'm used to it so much that it doesn't bother me.

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  • AnimeNightLight

    Because I'm a fucking asshole, that's why. Go cry to your mommy and jack off to women you'll never obtain, loser.

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  • CreamPuffs

    Fuck you.

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  • anonY123

    Yes, some people are very rude on this site

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  • Tempest-au

    I think here, with it's anonymity and lack of consequences, people are more direct than they would normally be "in real life".

    More simply, this place tends brings out the asshole in everyone - and some people are real assholes!

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  • dirtybirdy

    Good heavens. Let's blame desensitization due to overstimulation as the result of copious amounts shenaniganery produced by hoards of bottom feeding ogre trolls that have infiltrated the wiry webbing of the world.

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    • NeilYounger

      Hey! That's great word play. You rock Dude.

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  • NeilYounger

    I agree with you. Take me for example. I am always nice and respectful to everyone on this site. I begin and end each of my thoughtful comments with a bright sunny smile. Like this: :-D You see? Isn't that nice? I just wonder why all of the other regulars on this site can't do this. Something must be wrong with them. You think?

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    • Tempest-au

      Thanks Ratty, I really needed a laugh! This made my day.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I'm not sure. It feels more like a lack of imagination. I don't need to see the other person to understand she/he has feelings.
    I think on the internet it's easy to become almost like a sociopath, when you forget that you're talking to real people.
    But some just want the attention and it's a lot easier to get that by being an asshole.

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    • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#S3

      There's no feelings because you cannot see them, they aren't real. The internet isn't reality, even if I put a photo in my profile right now or better yet linked my fake Facebook account into my profile how could you possibly justify you're talking to a real person?

      YOU DON'T KNOW who you're talking to or whether your talking to anyone for that matter, there's BOTS on the internet, my opinion you aren't informed or willfully ignorant but regardless, IT ISN'T REAL.

      Go fuck your dead mothers corpse.

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      • AbnormallyAwesome

        Sure, there are bots, but they're quite easely recognisable. And it doesen't matter if your facebook profile is fake. YOU are not fake. There's still a real person behind it even if it's completly anonymous.
        A fake profile still sais something about the person who created it. Someone who's afraid to be themselves probably has very low self esteem or is afraid to get hurt if he'd be honest. If anything those are good reasons to be extra nice to trolls.

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      • Smokey1D

        See - you just proved my point. If you said that to someone on the street - you'd get your face punched in. So you say it here, and think it's pretty tough ... and get a buzz out of being abusive. So you be abusive again to get another buzz next time...and so on. Pretty soon that's going to impact on what you're like, isn't it? You don't have to see someone to communicate with them, or make them feel bad. You don't even have to have met them on this site. You can say anything to make someone feel bad, and get your buzz. But is that something to aspire to? I don't think so.

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        • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#Z2

          That's what YOU think about the internet which is precisely why I said it wasn't reality, it may be YOUR reality but not mine.

          Of course I wouldn't call a random black man a black man on the street because THAT'S REALITY. If you don't put gas in your tank your vehicle won't move, THAT'S REALITY.

          If I'm playing a video game and forget to gas up and my car stops, that has no effect on me whatsoever THAT'S REALITY.

          What do you have to say for yourself BITCH? I'm right you're WRONG.

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  • _Jesus_

    Most people on here are not where they want or wished to be in life. They probably work a shit job where their superiors, colleagues and customers are rude towards them. That makes them feel inferior and what's worse is that they are forced to be "professional" and turn the other cheek. They take it out on people here because there is no real repercussions.

    Then you get obnoxious people who are used to looking down on people but don't have the balls to treat them as shit so they take it out on animals and the users on the 700 forums they frequent.

    Then you get bored and boring people who are losers and have nothing better to do because their below average personality is not interesting enough to get noticed by people so they are rude to others because that often gets a reaction out of somebody.

    There are tons more that I can use as examples but this shit is getting boring now

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