Is it normal to be scared

I'm scared to move on with my life I'm suppose to start studying to get my license to sell insurance with a company and I'm also suppose to study to get my permit for driving but I'm scared of failing I don't no what to do I just paid for my courses and gunna start studying but I don't wanna this normal or am I just over reacting to much!

Voting Results
80% Normal
Based on 44 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • flowers123

    Ya I know but I'm use to texting and using slang words ...sorry!

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  • suckonthis9

    What is not normal is that you used an entirely long run-on sentence that should have been separated into seperate thoughts and that proper spelling, vocabulary and usage should have been used in order to get your point across and to ask the question that you want the answer for and that I think that you should keep studying and work on the things that are important to you and not to be scared because people respect people who speak more properly and have good language skills.

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  • devanfly

    It is indeed normal to be scared, most people are scared of moving on. I think that you are just thinking to much. Slow down and take ur time to just think about what you need to do to succeed, not about moving on.

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  • kellstar79

    If you never try you will always fail because you will not have passed anything. If you try and you do fail, keep trying until you pass. Theres nothing wrong with failing unless you give up and never try again. Good luck!!

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's normal. Everyone at some point in there lives has be scared to move on. I've been scared of what the future will bring for awhile now.... You'll never know how things could've gone unless you take the leap. Try not to worry, I'm sure things will work out for you.

    Good Luck!

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