Is it normal to be scared of....

is it noraml to be scared of pigeons? i can walk on the street when i see 1 near my also when their one flying directly at me but it flys out the way at the last second

Voting Results
45% Normal
Based on 40 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Aliceee93

    It's annoying when they walk round town acting like they own the place.

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  • Naughty_rascal

    It's quite normal, pigeons are vermin. Flying rats and nothing more. Problem is they walk around like they own the place, with that swagger. Whispering to each other and shitting on stuff. I know what they're up to. Everyday they plan our demise. Pigeons are out to get us. Look at how they look at us, there's hate in those beady, squinty little eyes. VERMIN. They plan to take over and have us as slaves, generating rubbish for them to eat. The 'King' pigeon is probably sitting right now on his throne of human skulls planning his next move. Every chance you get you should eradicate pigeons. Every town should have an army of cats specifically bred for this purpose. An army of pigeon slaying cats. Ahhh you got to dream haven't you . . . . .
    Seriously, kill pigeons.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I had a cousin who died when she was a child of meningitis, which she somehow got from pigeons. Considering that, I think it is quite reasonable to fear them.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Okay, that part is scary.

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      • Avant-Garde

        I feel bad for her parents. I was told that they ended up suing her doctor and won the case.

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  • gummy_jr

    I'm a little scared of pigeons too... Those eyeballs always make them look like they're plotting something. *squints suspiciously*

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  • RoseIsabella

    I absolutely love pigeons; I'll feed them and let them sit on my lap and perch on my arms and shoulders!

    That's how I roll!!!

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