Is it normal to be scared of a certain setting or smell?

I'm not really sure how to explain it but I'm scared of the way somethings smells or feels if that makes sense. Like, I get extremely uneasy thinking about winter at night in the city, or just winter in general in a place other than my house even though i like winter very much. Adding the smell of cigarettes makes it even more terrifying for me, as i don't like the way 'winter' smells. I feel as if I were to die it would be in a setting like this. Also I'm terrified of having to go into a store at night. Other things that give me a strong sense of unease are things such as the smells of thrift stores, cars, and a few other things similar to that. Is this normal or am I just paranoid?

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61% Normal
Based on 36 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • robbieforgotpw

    When I gas myself it warms me. It feels like there is a nice fire In my pants with methane and sulfur byproducts

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  • hairyfairy

    I can`t stand the smell of butcher shops, & I hold my breath when i walk past them.

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  • **Restless**

    The smell of surgical gloves or hospitals is what makes me hecka uneasy.

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  • When I smell certain things/hear something/see something/taste something, it sometimes triggers something bad in my memory and I get scared all of a sudden. It happened once when I was with a group of friends, I saw someone that reminded me of my 'not very nice past' and I just kinda froze. WAS NOT FUN. It doesn't happen with me for normal things (like winter).

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  • RoseIsabella

    I don't know about all of that but last week I was in a setting where a bunch of people went out to dinner at Denny's and this person who almost never comes around showed up and I ended up sitting next to her and her God damn B.O. :-(

    I have nothing against her as a person but everything against her as smelly person who emanates a foul aroma. Whenever she comes around and I smell it I just want to scream. I hate that everyone else acts like they don't notice her stench. I hate how it's sort of taboo to point out to someone that they stink like it's rude or mean. What's rude and mean is to walk around smelling so bad and subjecting others to that ripe, gamey, stank ass funk!

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  • kelili

    The smell of detergents reassures me because it reminds me of when my mum would be back from work - she worked in a hospital.

    Maybe it also works the other way round.

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