Is it normal to be scared of adoption

I have a very caring family that I live with I've been friends with them for years, so when my mom died it was logical I go with them. But I'm just unhappy, I sometimes wish I lived with a person that had no kids, so that I didn't stick out so much. I'm depressed and don't want to be adopted but I would never say that To my foster mom or fear of hurting her feelings. Also im being pressured to change my last name and dont really want to. I don't know what to do :(

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89% Normal
Based on 44 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • xXScYtHeXx

    Tell her about the name issue, tell her the truth, its what she wants to hear from you, I dislike my fathers side of the family but I'm still proud of my last name, it represents who I am, I suggest that you tell her and I'm insanely sorry for your loss.

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  • Neapolitana

    I bet your foster mom would really really want to know your feelings about the name thing, and your depression. I'm sure that they are trying to make you feel more like family by suggesting the name change, but since you are not comfortable with it, simply tell them that:) Say that you love them, but you don't want to lose your connecting to your mom, etc. They will totally get it.

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  • AAbatteries

    You should have an honest talk with your foster mom. Be gentle and kind, and reiterate how much you love her and you know she's trying to make you feel welcome, but tell her you want to keep that part of your identity. Hopefully she'll understand.

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  • Fam_man3

    Being adopted is a scary thing in its self, but to push thier last name on you is another. It is 100% normal to be afraid of being adopted and, in your case, be afraid of taking your "adopted" parents last name. (especially when it feels like its being forced upon you. I am the proud parent of a step daughter and I am in no way shape or form trying to push her to take my last name. That is something that you "her in my scenario" must decide on yourselfs, and for them to push it upon you like that is just asinine and morbid.

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  • TurtleGrandPrix

    It's normal, heck i'd go crazy if i've been put up for adoption.

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