Is it normal to be scared of bigger women?

I'm very petite. 4'10 95 lbs. I've always been confident but I know I can't defend self. I was never in a situation where I needed to. I'm 40 and I was in a public restroom at 1 am after a night of partying, a young girl 18-20, really tall, starts calling me a little person. I laugh it off and when I go to leave, she steps in front of door. She was very intoxicated and said if I wanted to leave I have to move her. She must have been six feet and she was solid. I was terrified. She could have prob thrown me and really hurt me without even trying. Anyways she eventually moved but I now feel intimidated a lot. Not by men, but by women. Is this normal?

Voting Results
62% Normal
Based on 26 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • seakelp

    Get mace.

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  • What's not normal is the way she was acting. How immature and insane to block someone's door because they are smaller. That sounds like something a little bully kid would do.

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  • selenavelez8

    Its normal to be scared of people bigger than you.

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  • hairyfairy

    You should take karate lessons, or carry some pepper spray or a stun gun.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    bite her in the ankles. Seriously though its normal in that situation.

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