Is it normal to be scared of car headlights?

i don't know why but recently I've become scared of car headlights its not all car headlights just the ones that just light up around the rim and they look like cats just creeps me out when i'm driving. is this normal??

Voting Results
33% Normal
Based on 76 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Hoohahohyahhh

    WHAT? They're so sexy! Halos or LEDs? Either way, depending on the car and the work done it should come out pretty banging. The only lights on the road that scare me are the red and blue of a cop car :]

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  • Energy

    Cat's eyes? That's kinda cool!

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  • Misterman

    Cat's eyes yeah. I can dig it. But it's the ones that light up like sewer rat's eyes that freak me the fuck out. Then, in my head I think, I hear this loud squealing sound and I freeze. Like right in the middle of the highway. Then a car will run over me. Hit me right where I'm standing. I'll roll down into this really scary dark ditch. Then in the morning, this big truck with Highway Dept. written on the driver's side door came by and two guys in blue overhalls jump out the back of the truck carrying these big four corner shovels. They make their way down the ditch where I'm laying and they scoop me up and dump in the back of the truck like I'm road kill. But I suddenly sit and yell: What the fuck is going on? And they say: How the hell do we know. Some gut sent a troll to IIN saying that you were laying down in that ditch. So get up. It's time for this stupid troll to end. And well, that's it.

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  • megadriver

    Headlights are cool. Especially the BMW angel eyes.
    I have bi-xenons on my Benz. They can be scary on full beam, but I never flash at people, cause I know that it's a pain to have blearing headlights flashing in your eyes!

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  • StarScream18

    As I said in another post we all have fears. They are all normal.

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  • is it the light on the car or the cars head-lights shining on you

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  • emotionalwreck4ever

    well as long as it wont make you crash then its normal i guess.

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  • Anime7

    I get where you're coming from. Some car headlights do resemble malicious cat eyes. However, I'm not afraid of car headlights unless they're speeding towards me.

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  • Dulse.

    Well it's normal I guess. As long as it wont affect your ability to drive.

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