Is it normal to be scared of cartoon dolphins?

I feel sick whenever I see a cartoon dolphin or any shape or cutout of dolphins. I'm fine with real dolphins or photos of dolphins, but cartoon ones freak me out. I think it originates from the halloween episode of the simpsons where the dolphins turn evil and take over the town. AM I NORMAL?!

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33% Normal
Based on 61 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Ratman2

    Casper the friendly ghost still freaks me the fuck out. This goes back to my younger days, back in the early 1970s. I was high on this drug called LSD window pane 25. It had four clear sections to it, it looked just like a fucking window pane. You were only suppose to take one section at a time. I took all four at once. Needless to say an hour later I was totally tripping my ass off. So I'm goofing on these cartoons I'm watching on TV. On comes Casper. But he didn't look so friendly to me In my wild drug induced state of mind. In fact he looked down right diabolical. Totally freaked, I flipped the TV off and go for a walk outside. I look back on this dark winding road I'm walking on and see about a hundred Caspers silently following me. They have no legs, they're fucking Caspers, and are just quietly floating along wearing these evil facial expressions. And they kept getting closer and closer to me. I freaked out, ran, and the cops caught up to me and took me to a hospital. Long comment, but true story. This dolphin thing of yours brought it all back to me. Normal.

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  • That same episode made me feel the same about dolphins! X

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  • Ihateveryone

    I love you. Please marry me.

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