Is it normal to be scared of death at a young age?
So, a few years back when my aunt died, I went to her funeral. It was the first time I had been to a funeral since I had stopped being a Christian and stopped going to church. The preacher was talking about how my aunt said she knew she would go to heaven when she died. I thought quite a lot about death that next week and actually burst into tears and hyperventilated for like 5 minutes one night while my Mom hugged me and said everything would be okay, then I said I wanted to go to church so I wouldn't go to Hell, I went to church for like a month or two after that then got bored with church again so I stopped, lately when I try to go to sleep, my brain has nothing to focus on and since I don't really believe in a afterlife I think of death being like sleep and then I become scared to go to sleep in case I die while I'm asleep and never know so then I stay awake for like 2 days until I'm a walking zombie and finally I'm too exhausted to do anything but pass out, I really wish I could just stop thinking about and enjoy some damn sleep. So I want to know if it's normal to think about dying and any way to stop myself from thinking about it short of popping some sleeping pills.