Is it normal to be scared of developing psychosis with anxiety?

Basically, for a few months now I've been getting panic attacks and I've been put on a course of Prozac 10mg. I feel like my anxiety is slowly shifting and my panic attacks are going slowly.

However, I've been obsessing in my brain about the possibility I might be schizophrenic. I talk to myself a lot, and make up stories in my head. I role play with myself a lot and pretend I am different people. I don't actually believe it, but because I do this it really worries me I might be schizo.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • That doesn't sound like schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is like having your dream life and waking life blend together. It is enlightening and terrifying simotaniously.

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  • VirgilManly

    If you were really schizophrenic, I don't think you'd spend time worrying that you're schizophrenic.

    I have an aunt with schizophrenia and to her it's everyone else who has the problem, not her.

    Just sounds like an anxiety disorder. People with anxiety disorders often worry that they are going crazy.

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  • Dulse.

    Don't worry about it. I've had that fear before too. The reality is the feeling of anxiety has warped itself into a worry that you cannot shake. When you think about it and worry about it more you continue to feed the fear.

    Feelings of going insane are really common with anxiety. I know it feels like the end of the world, but trust me, it's all going to be okay.

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  • seekelp

    Spend less time alone. It should help contextualize things. Also, talk to a therapist.

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  • Outsider21

    developing schizophrenia is nothing like that at all. you seem to be very anxious, people who have schizophrenic or even just psychotic tendencies usually aren't really anxious that much at all. It's more about being overwhelmed by frequent hallucinations.

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  • nodirection111

    I have heard that schizophrenia usually carries a religious overtone in the diagnosis, sounds like you just overanalyze and overthink yourself too much, do not become that narcissistic in the future

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