Is it normal to be scared of drawings of penises?

When I was a freshman in high school (about 12 years ago), I was taking basic calculus with a bunch of juniors and seniors. So one day we had a substitute teacher. Behind my desk sat this scary and intimidating looking senior who was just a big bully. I asked to go the bathroom, and when I came back, I found drawings of penises on the cover of my math notebook. I was devastated and felt traumatized by this incident. I think whoever drew these penises (probably the senior bully) was suggesting in a rather crude way that I was a virgin, which I still am BTW, but at the time I felt sexually violated. I never informed administration about this because I knew this particular senior had a notorious reputation for throwing people down the stairs and he had been suspended multiple times. To this day, I am haunted by images of penis drawings. Sometimes they appear in my dreams to remind me of what a loser I was/am.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Shrunk

    Hahahaha. I never got why boys draw penises at every opportunity. Seems like it's just a thing boys do... And if you aren't trolling sorry to break it to you but you might have some kind of mental disorder

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    • shuggy-chan

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      • VirgilManly

        You put alot of thought into that.

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        • shuggy-chan

          IT was a copy and paste job, i just goggled "text art penis"

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          • VirgilManly

            So you're an admitted penis plagiarist.
            Oh for shame.
            And to think I was going to compliment you on the way you conveyed the human pathos of a man longing for somewhere warm and moist.

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      • Shrunk

        I would be honored to have this such a work of art on my notebook

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        LMFAO. I can't stop laughing right now.

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  • BobbyTheBear

    lol... I thoight this was gunna be a joke topic. But seeing that it might not be is even more hilarious.

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  • It must have been one triumphantly veined and magnificent penis.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Damn, you are a pretty weak individual aren't you?
    Honestly, you fold and fade at a picture? A DRAWING of a penis traumatized you for 12 fucking years? Please.
    You are either lying to us or you are lying to yourself. There has to be more to this story than somebody drawing a penis on your book.
    Time to grow up; you are not a 5 year old. Stand up and take your life back. Go out and find a guy and get on with your life. Please.

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