Is it normal to be scared of drawings of penises?
When I was a freshman in high school (about 12 years ago), I was taking basic calculus with a bunch of juniors and seniors. So one day we had a substitute teacher. Behind my desk sat this scary and intimidating looking senior who was just a big bully. I asked to go the bathroom, and when I came back, I found drawings of penises on the cover of my math notebook. I was devastated and felt traumatized by this incident. I think whoever drew these penises (probably the senior bully) was suggesting in a rather crude way that I was a virgin, which I still am BTW, but at the time I felt sexually violated. I never informed administration about this because I knew this particular senior had a notorious reputation for throwing people down the stairs and he had been suspended multiple times. To this day, I am haunted by images of penis drawings. Sometimes they appear in my dreams to remind me of what a loser I was/am.