Is it normal to be scared of eating in front of people

When at school or around family, i just cant eat in front of them, if i do i start shaking and even cry sometimes? D: i dont see why, but at school i only eat ONE thing, i sit in a classroom as i am scared of going out, i get bullied A LOT :/ can anyone help also is it normal?

Voting Results
41% Normal
Based on 64 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • You're afraid because your thoughts are constantly revolving around your fear of what they might think. So if the source is in the realm of thought then that's where you'll conquer it.

    Change your thinking. When you eat in front of others think only of your food and how delicious it is. Don't allow your mind to wander. Control what you think and you'll find you control what you feel and perceive.

    By doing that you'll get rid of your fear.

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  • kellstar79

    I find it really hard to eat at food courts (ie, shopping centers etc) as I feel like everyone may watch me

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  • emotionalwreck4ever

    talk to a counsoler , its not good to get bullied either, yuu prolly feel insecure.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm scared of doing it too. I prefer to eat alone, than with others.

    Company is okay sometimes, but it's strange to watch others eat and wonder if they're thinking negatively about your eating habits.

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  • ChasingAfterPond<3

    I am comfortable eating around my family and very close friends, but i find it hard to eat around other people because i am self concious about it. I think to an extent it is normal, but it something you should talk to someone you are close to about so you can try to work through it. I think because you are bullied a lot is why it is like this for you. I hope that someone sees you for you and someone can help you get kver this fear. I wish you luck and just remember that life is a rollercoaster and has a lot in store for you. I hope it gets better for you(: i bet you are a great person(:

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    • ChasingAfterPond<3

      Also, slowly try to eat in front of other people, it is difficult at first, but it slowly gets better after a while. You just have to know that it only matters what you thibk about yourself(:

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  • rin

    It's not normal but I was like that. Still am once in a while.

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