Is it normal to be scared of making mistakes?

I'm really scared of making mistakes, whenever I recognise an error in my thinking or in something I've said it makes me cringe. When I make a mistake it makes me feel dumb and inferior to others, which is why I avoid talking about things where you can either be right or wrong most of the time. I sometimes get panic attacks because of it as well, but I am very good at hiding it so I doubt that people would actually know how I feel when they look at me.
I understand that this fear is completely irrational and because mistakes are a part of life I try to make myself engage in situations where I could be wrong (eg answering a teacher's questions in class), but I rarely ever have the energy to and whenever I manage to do something like this I feel horrible. Even when my answer was correct, I always try to find something about it that's wrong without really wanting it.
I used to cut and hit myself whenever I made a mistake and I also have tried to kill myself because of it before. I stopped it years ago, but sometimes I really crave it, especially when I feel that I did something wrong.
Is this normal?

Voting Results
75% Normal
Based on 106 votes (80 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    It's not normal but it is understandable.
    It sounds like you may have control issues and an excess of pressure applies to yourself. It also sounds as if you have very low self-esteem.

    Please do something to improve your self-esteem. A person with healthy self-esteem may not want to make mistakes either, but is not afraid to be wrong because they are humble enough to admit that they are wrong, in other words, their ego isn't tied into whether or not others see them as perfect, or the most intelligent of the bunch.

    You need to relax. It's ok to make mistakes and it is ok to be wrong. Accept that and learn not to attach your self-worth to how others feel about you (which is difficult and we all do it to some extent) and you will be fine.

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  • Ixenkothar

    Very much so!

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  • ceagl

    I used to be that way, not the cutting part, and then as I got older I realized that it wasn't all about me. That I was just part of this world and only a tiny part of it so I should get off my high horse and laugh at my mistakes. You will be surprised how much more comfortable it makes people around you if you quit keeping up appearances. In fact now I am much more honest with people about life and circumstances that people who are holy than thou get thrown off by me.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    There is not one person in the world that doesn't make mistakes. It is normal that you fear this, but the cutting and the attempted suicide part is NOT NORMAL! If this behavior persists I suggest seeing a doctor!

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    • It's been like this for years and I've tried psychotherapy but it didn't work for me :(

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        Maybe you were with the wrong doctor? I don't know, but this is something that every single person in the world does, make mistakes that is. I would say don't be so hard on yourself, but I know you wouldn't if you could help it. I'm sorry to hear that this is causing you so much trouble, just remember, killing yourself will never fix anything. It will only deprive you of every single happy moment that would have happened for the rest of your life. That is a price not worth paying.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I have a phobia of that too. I hate to fail in front of others for fear of showing weakness and inferiority. It's embarrassing and to make it worse, I have had people to actually flip-out at me for making mistakes regardless of the level of complexity. Don't hurt/commit suicide over it. I think it's normal to fear such, but it's not normal to try to commit suicide over it.

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  • sassafrassi

    I am too. Even if I know the correct way to do something or the answer I still have to ask someone to make sure. It's because I think I'll get in trouble or yelled at. Of course I know, and you can guess why, I'm like this I just don't know how to fix it.

    ps it doesn't sound normal.

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  • wigsplitz

    LOL you tried to kill yourself over making mistakes and you failed....LMAO....

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    • I know, I'm a failure.

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      • Justsomejerk

        I'm sorry but I laughed heartily. We all make mistakes and we all hate it. You sound like you know the score, don't beat your self up ;)

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