Is it normal to be 'scared' of making the first move?

Okay, so I've been talking to this girl for under two months. We've been to the movies, church youth group, and I have her in a class. But when it comes to texting, for example, I say goodnight and she doesn't say good morning, I won't text her back at all and she won't text me back. Maybe because she wants me to make the first move because I'm the "guy". I honestly don't get that saying. And I'm not sure what to say when we haven't talked in a couple of days, I don't want to make it awkward by just saying hey, or anything typical. Help?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Mando

    Next time you have a private moment with her look at her face to face, smile, maintain good eye contact, move slowly toward her to kiss her. If she pulls back you have your answer. Most likely she will welcome it and plant a big one on you. If it works out, which is likely because she's dating you, you'll feel great to be the "guy."

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    • twinklesstar

      ummmm I am not the person who created the story but I got a question regarding your post, guyz automaticly think that when a girl pull back she's not interested or is it more like if she pulls back well it's a waste of time to keep trying?

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      • Mando

        She's telling you what she's telling you ... right?

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  • Keryss

    I have been in this suituation with a guy, where I always text him first but & thought I was either being annoying or he was bored of me.. turns out he just expected a text as it was the norm :) I spoke about it and now we have no problems speaking.

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    Make the first move as this is what we guys are supposed to do women just seat .

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  • KelbelBlabka

    Please take my advice make the first move! from a girls point of view I reckon that's the best thing to do I wouldn't ever make the first move on a boy even if I liked him ALOT because I do think boys should do it and I would think, well if he hasn't he doesn't like me !!

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    • QuestionMark?

      Ahh good points!
      I shall make the first move!

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