Is it normal to be scared of men?
I have androphobia (fear of men)and i dont know if that is normal? IIN?
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I have androphobia (fear of men)and i dont know if that is normal? IIN?
Dont be scared. Not all guys are total asses.
Im sorry you feel this way. I hope everything gets easier for you.
If you ever get to know a nice guy, talk to him about it and pay attention to your thoughts to find out why you feel like you do. I hope i helped, good luck!
because im a girl too and i just dunno i dont, cos i cant really get raped by a woman.. well, it would kinda fail, that doesnt scare me tho, its just men tho, if i know them then thats different but its just strangers im scared with :/
I dont know how serious u mean it is but i think I have that a little bit too. Im so shy about most men, so i cant say much around them. do you feel inferior to them or something? were u abused by them? if not and it's just a little anxiety I think it's normal cus a lot of guys are nervous around girls too, but it can be more serious
like say i was walking down the path/sidewalk and theres a man walking towards me, i will cross the road, onto the other side so i can completely avoid them, no i was never abused but when i was little and when i heard stories like murder and rape covicted by men it must of scared me a lot more than i had realised, i am really wary as well i always look into cars and at the seats and if theres a man sat in the drivers seat i will walk round the other side of the car or completely away from it, it really freaks me out, my hear starts beating really fast and i get really scared! it weird..
Most murder and rape stories committed by women aren't publicised as much as the male ones, and females tend to get away with it or get a really short period of time punishment for it even if it was the exaxt same thing a man done and got longer prison time for.
So, why aren't you afraid of walking past women, too?
is it all men, or just certain 'scary looking' ones, like how do you deal with having a male teacher or doctor? some times you can't avoid them, because most of them aren't murderers/rapists