Is it normal to be scared of not being able to move out?

it's the whole baby bird leaving the nest thing.
i'm 19( one more year and i'm not a 'teen' anymore) and i'm already in college. most of my friends are still reliant on their parents (financially) of course, but i'm the sort of person who can't fend for herself in the long run.

Bottom line is, i'm unable to live alone and take care of myself. I don't have much social skills not am i street-smart. I'm afraid i'm the sort that gets conned easily. It's most definitely not stupidity.

I mean, i CAN live by myself, just as how my friends live in dorms but there's always that reliance thing where the parents will have to deal with most of the bill-paying, making contracts and all that. I feel as if i can't live without my parents having to moderate me. It's not that I still want to be spoon-fed, I want to be responsible, I want to be reliable, I want to experience what's out there. But there are so many things that i'm afraid of.

And i've always envisioned myself living somewhere else, having her own house, earning good money and supporting her parents.

I want that. But i'm still so scared. I'm scared of not wanting to move out. I'm scared of being the 30 year old who is still living with her parents.

At times i'm afraid of talking to people. I avoid talking to them. I'm not very confident and i'm afraid i can't get a job and can't keep said job. I'm so fickle.

I think i'm just not ready to face what's out there. And i don't i can ever be. I know i can learn how to. But taking the first step: I'm afraid of THAT.

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78% Normal
Based on 32 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • (s)aint

    Go for it!
    I moved out eight months ago and my parents still help me with a whole lot of things, you don't have to move out and become independant like THAT.

    Small steps!

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  • get a room in a house with others

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  • Too long.

    Like my penis.

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    • that looks like an inch on my computer :O

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      • Maybe you're asian.

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  • MacG

    Living at home during college is a bad idea. but it is pretty normal to be worried about the future. It is an uncertain time in your life. You just have to face it and go forward.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Just go for it life is full of risks.

    you could die on the way to school.

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  • kittykat9930

    This is exactly how I'm feeling right now! I'm planning on either getting a job or going college at the moment but like what (s)aint said, I'm planning on just taking small steps. Just know that you're not alone :)

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    So you're at college....but living with your parents!? WHAT THE FUCK!? Move out ASAP.

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    • i'm a chick. but i don't think that changes anything, does it?

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