Is it normal to be scared of not being cute anymore?

so i'm 28, but look 10 years younger, and while i'm also immature for my age, i like the attention that i get in that i can still act like a little kid, and i like acting like a little kid. maybe because i look 10 years younger. however i fear when i get older, i won't be able to act that way and it'll be more frowned down upon. only solution to get a job with kids? /= or i need to improve my self esteem, right?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • forever_anon

    I'm your age and can relate somewhat. I have a childlike sense of humor and I am a total goofball around my friends and husband, but I also know how to act mature when the occasion calls for it. There's no need to change your personality. Just make sure you know when to be serious and when to be silly. Having a childlike sense of fun is a good thing. It keeps you young at heart and makes life more enjoyable.

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    • curiousone24


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  • RoseIsabella

    Don't worry some people probably never thought you were cute to begin with. Cuteness is subjective and thereby a matter of opinion like attractiveness. You are powerless over how other people choose to perceive your appearance. Just be who you wanna be and get over yourself. That's what a little kid would do.

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  • intellectuallychallengedmaybe

    judge judy once said - "beauty fades; dumb is forever"
    be cute in your own eyes. personality and smarts is cute.

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  • CheyChey

    Nothing wrong with being immature/childish but there should be distinction between being childish in the way you think and being childish in the way you act. Being childish in the way you think is great you remain forever young in the heart and that's pretty cool but if you are being childish in the way you act then no that is not cute. Do not change who you are maybe work on a few things at 28 you can easily get away with it but at 38 it's another story. Also the degrees of immaturity should change as you grow older you'll have to let go of some traits and it won't be that difficult I suppose because it would be something that comes naturally.

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  • tyeStubbs

    no lol u can still act like a kid at times even when ur old per say lol its a normal human thing ..... i look like i'm 16 and im 18, i fear the same thing but just know that ur 28 so theres times to act immature and times not to ..... just teach yourself to be funny with ur immaturity in a mature way that people like :D thats what i do :3

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    • curiousone24

      haha thanks, but exactly how do you do that if I may ask?

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