Is it normal to be scared of people listening to your conversation

I really hate it when I think someone is listening to my conversations because I get embarrassed quite easily and kind of irrationally. I also talk about football whenever I'm with my friends and a cute girl walks past to try and seem more cool ( we like football, but we also talk about weird stuff)

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79% Normal
Based on 38 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • I like to start discussing disturbing thing like where I hid the bodies when I suspect someone is eavesdropping.

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  • I think its abnormal to switch up your conversation just because someone walks by. And maybe it's just me, but hearing guys talking about football does not sound cool AT ALL and I imagine them as really boring people with nothing other than football to talk about. Yuck.

    Gosh. Maybe I am that creeper who listens to conversations, and why you are afraid haha. Dang...there's really nothing to be embarrassed about though.

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  • Shkill

    This sucks I wish I was less self concious

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  • Toaster4231

    I don't like it when people listen in my conversations either. That's why I hate it when I'm sitting in a classroom filled with people that's so quiet you could hear a pin drop, and someone tries to start a conversation with me lol.

    Speaking of that.. I do remember a quite a while ago I was in a really quiet classroom and someone tried talking to this girl. And the (normally talkative) girl was like "yep... uh huh...*awkward chuckle*" and put her head down. I wonder if she feels the same way as us XD

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