Is it normal to be scared of pigeons?

One day, when I was eight, I was walking to the bus stop to go to my grandmother's house. I stepped off the curb to cross the street and I stepped on a dead pigeon. I mean I herd th crunch and everything. I WANTED TO CUT OFF MY FOOT RIGHT THEN AND THERE. I think I was traumatized by it. Now I'm scared of pigeons and bird. I mean I'm a big guy, an that's my one true fear besides God. It's a shame, I know lol

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58% Normal
Based on 67 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 43 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Exposure therapy with live healthy pigeons might help you. My sister had to ask me to help her move a dead pigeon once. She was sad it died but still really grossed out about the germs of course. I think It's normal to freaked out about stepping on a rotting corpse. It sounds like you were surprised and the crunch of the poor thing was probably way too gruesome and left an emotional scar on you.

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  • dirtybirdy


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    • dirtybirdy


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      • dirtybirdy


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        • charli.m

          I fucking love you :)

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          • dirtybirdy

            Aww giggaty. I just touched your butt :}

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  • BLAh81

    You can still cut off your foot. Who knows, it may make you feel better. If not, oh well...

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Im not a big fan of birds and I find them creepy. I am terrified of pigeons pooping on me.

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  • A-guy-named-joe

    I seen a pigeon doing it with a dead one right on a side walk once

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  • Pika-girl

    Here how to scare them away:

    1. Open window (if indoors)
    2. Scream "PIZZA!"
    3. Watch them fly off

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  • disthing

    Big Bird must be your worst nightmare D:

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  • robokid

    t('_')t Bitch. Kirby flip you off.

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    • Pika-girl

      Excuse me I have read one of your comments before.. You sure you're... 12?

      Answer this question and I'll tell my age too. Dont worry. Its pretty close. And dont stay on the site too much if you are young. I left for a while.

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      • robokid

        Yes I am 12, and you may have read many comments. And by the way I curse without my parents knowing. Many people in my school do it.

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        • Pika-girl

          O. There are lots of teachers in my school. I go to a private so you do something bad, off to the director. Or what you call principal. BTW Im super close to your age, a little younger. ...Shh!

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          • robokid

            First person I've seen close to my age on here. By the way, we aren't stupid enough to say the stuff out loud. I'm going to highschool since my school has no middle school. Pikachu is in the middle of my favorites of Pokémon, with Drapion near the top. I don't go by their cuteness, I go by coolness.

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            • Pika-girl

              What is Drapion? Sorry. I'm a Kanto/Johto fan...

              And I'm female so I like cute, but sometimes POWERFUL like Magmar, Typhlosion, and CHARIZARD!!

              My Meganium is Lv. 67. Sister's Typhlosion is Lv. 79.

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  • augustxo

    I'd be scared if I stepped on a dead pigeon too...

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  • charli.m

    My brother stepped on a dead mouse in our laundry when he was six years old. It's twenty years on, and he is still shit scared of rodents.

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  • Holzman67

    Oh man. carcasses of any sort aint good. That kind of thing stays with you, especially if you step on it. I feel for you I really do. Take solace in the fact that the bird was already dead. It's a surefire way of putting a bad spin on a good pair of nikeys though. I'm sure cutting off your foot is highly irrational and impulsive, why not just take off your shoe and leave it next to the pigeon out of respect? It may seem like a waste of a shoe but it shows respect and is alot less painful than losing a limb. I dunno just throwing my 2 cents in

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  • Elliemental

    As a kid i got my finger clamped down on by an ostriches beak, it bled really badly but didn't make me scared of birds yet my mums terrified of pigeons and has never had a bad incident with them. I'm terrified of china dolls but obviously a dolls never done anything to me. Fear is a strange thing, it doesn't always have any basis. For you there is a reason for your phobia so it's completely normal!

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    • Ostriches are humongous scary beasts with pretty eyes. They're used to guard farms in some parts of the world because they are so protective and aggressive. To me, they don't seem very bird-like because they are large and flightless. Same with cassowaries.

      I've met lots of people who seem to be frightened of chickens. They think they look cute, but only from a distance. Hens are pretty harmless, it's the roosters that'll fuck you up.

      Phobias are odd. :$

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  • NotStrangeBird

    You are right to fear me.

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  • jimrichy

    Yeah, I think this is quite a common one. I know quite a few people like this

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  • Shackleford96

    I almost stepped on a little baby birdy yesterday on my way to the dumpster. Poor little fellow must of fell out of it's nest or something. It couldn't fly yet, and didn't even try to hop away. I left it alone in hopes that it's parents would come back for it or something. I don't know.

    Anyway, I think your fears are normal considering what happened. I also agree with Rose in that you could probably conquer that fear if you wanted to.

    Just get yourself a pet love-bird or a cockatiel or something :)

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    • Some birds, like ravens, care for their young on the ground for quite a while. The babies leave the nest fairly early because it's safer for them on the ground.

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      • Shackleford96

        Wow, I didn't know that. Thank you :)

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  • gummy_jr


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