Is it normal to be scared of random people?

People i don't know just freak me right the fuck out!!! if some random person just goes up and starts talking to me, i get unnaturally shy like almost instantly. i mean i have had lots of girlfriends, it hasn't hurt me that way....i just feel weird at a flea-market or wal-mart.....?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • alv1592

    Are you scared of Skrillex hair?

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  • DarthLupine666

    For me it depends partly on my mood, partly on the impression the person makes on me, and partly on the circumstances. If someone unknown comes up to me and starts talking (especially a man, since I am female) I tend to get a bit wary as well, and am consequently less than sociable until I am reasonably sure he/she is not looking to harm me. I usually become calmed within a minute or two.
    The point is, being alarmed when strangers approach you is not "weird", it's just a rather excessively-strong self-preservation instinct that will take time and effort to gain control of.
    My advice is, instead of letting the fear take hold of you when someone approaches, try to instead focus on their body language (try looking it up- it broadcasts basic emotions, usually without the person being conscious of it) and tone of voice (also a good way to read someone, though a bit more variable); get a "read" on them, and most likely you will find they are friendly. Since you're focusing on understanding them, instead of on how freaked out you are, this might help you to overcome your fear and let you open up a bit.
    Good luck, fellow IIN-user!

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    • Mersaphe

      Pretty good explanation, agree with almost everything you said

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  • same here.

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  • juniperlei

    Depends on the person some people i can talk to non stop without knowing them and then some make me very cautious and also seems to depend on the time of day im quiet and sarcastic in the morning shy in the middle and completely talkitive at the end of the lol

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  • girlwithaproblem13

    I feel the same way LOL.

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  • karmasAbich

    I kind of get like that when I'm not ready for it. I generally try to make people feel as comfortable as possible though. But i do get this weird knot in my stomach when I know I'm going to be interviewed. :/ (like tomorrow)

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