Is it normal to be scared of requiem for a dream?
I don't know why, but the song scares me senseless.
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I don't know why, but the song scares me senseless.
I can't remember what Lux Eternal sounds like anymore... But I did like it when I heard it. The film in itself is okay. It's just a bunch of suburban kids doing drugs.
I don't remember the song, but the film can put a dent in your emotions. I never feel the same after I watch it.
I think the song is gorgeous, though extremely sad. Same for the movie... it's one of the most moving films I've ever seen but goddamn if I don't cry like a baby when I watch it.
His mom reminds me of my mom. :/
For some reason I thought you meant Lacrimosa. The LOTR song? It's inspiring. Definitely not scary or depressing.
...It is so overused on the internet. I used to love it, but my God, when I hear it now I am just like "ugh". Heard it too many times.
The song 'Lux aeterna' is fantastic, I wouldn't describe the film as scary, I think harrowing is a better word.