Is it normal to be scared of shipwrecks?

Well when I was a little kid, I used to love watching the movie Titanic, I've always had an interest in it, but a few years later, I saw a documentary on Titanic, and it showed footage of the shipwreck, AND IT SCARED ME TO FUCKING DEATH. I was hyperventilating because I was watching the documentary alone at night. So now I permanently have a fear of shipwrecks and large unknown inanimate objects in the water. I'M TERRIFIED.

Yes 18
No 3
the fuck is wrong with you 10
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Who_Fan4Life

    I heard that there's this cruise liner being built in Ireland. It's launching from England and is going to New York City. Care to join?

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  • megadriver

    Ah! The open sea!

    *puts shades and captain's hat on*

    All ahead flank! Give me every bit of power the engines have! Let's see what she can do! Love ships.

    Yeah... the Titanic... a vision of beauty - sunken by idiots!
    1. Should have had binoculars
    2. Should have went full ruder, reversed one engine, full power on the other. That way the crash could have been avoided
    3. Spent too much time discussing what to do.

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  • dappled

    I don't like it, either. I used to have dreams where all the seas were drained and looking out from the beach, I could only see silt and shipwrecks. It turned my stomach.

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