Is it normal to be scared of talking?

I'm usually the quiet shy person you would see in class but sometimes I'm scared to ask for something.
For example, if I Really need to go pee, I'm scared to get up and ask or raise my hand. Part of this is because I don't want people to see my flaws, and the other part remains a mystery.
Or when a teacher calls on me, I turn red. All the time it never fails. I end up saying something that doesn't make sense, or say "I don't know" because I'm scared of what people will think/say.
Or when I have to take a test for music class, I get super nervous and scared that my tummy hurts and I forget everything I know or mess up. It feels horrible but I don't know why this happens to me.
Does this happen to anyone?

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81% Normal
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Comments ( 17 )
  • caelymist

    It's not normal, but I definitely relate. My advice would be to push yourself a little each day to say something in class and then soon you'll feel more comfortable and won't be so nervous. I know it's hard, but good luck!

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  • Hoohahohyahhh

    Yes definitely normal, to the max! You just described me or at least how I used to be in HS. Don't get me wrong, I still am not a confident put myself out there person but I'm more confident now. I can definitely relate with the pee thing, especially when the class is quiet hahas and I get red easily but girls think its cute! Not too red though, just like cheeks flushing. Also, I get so flustered I say things and I don't even know what came outta my mouth! I like you because you're like me :] I used to perform so badly when though during practice I'm top notch, just train your mind the most to shut things out and keep things in. Visualizing scenes of perfection help, and professional athletes do this, so you can do this for music. Um on little thing, I used to have braces so that made me super-shy to open my mouth hahas so with it gone, I feel more confident to smile and smiling makes nervousness go away in my case :]

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    • sweetpea29

      Really x) haha it's nice to know other people are like me.
      Lol, yeah! I hate when the class is quiet and I really need to go!
      Braces made you shy? Braces are cool! So now that you have nice teeth it bust up your confidence? I need braces I wonder if it'll be like that when I get them (:
      I will try to visualize scenes of perfection- specially since I have a test tom.!
      "I like you because you're like me :] " <-awww

      Thank you (:

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    • Hoohahohyahhh

      shut bad things out and keep good things in*

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      • JustinBiebsFan#1

        your shit

        ohh last night was good your moms so good in bed oh and bin ladden told me to say last night was good and hell keep the double headed dildo your friend not

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  • Aliifreak

    I'm like that too :/ it's basically just being afraid to talk in public. It's a fear called Glossophobia.

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  • nickki

    when i was a kid i was really quiet u could not make me talk but i learned how are u going to get a job if u don't talk so here i am talking well writing andi hope my advice works

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  • spectra1

    Human flutter shy

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  • Shrunk

    I was like that too, same exact thing, I would never raise my hand but if I were called on, blush and say "I don't know" because my mind went blank whenever I was expected to talk. I have social Phobia and I'm on a medication for it now that helps along with practice, which I never believed, because I was too scared to try, but you just have to start out slowly and don't give up. Many people have that and either get help or grow out of it...

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  • seagatesurf303

    maybe selective mutism.
    you should
    look into
    it, read about it and ask
    or help. there is lots out there for people
    like us! texting electronic communication is very helpful for
    us these days.
    good luck!

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  • RinTin

    Are you afraid of other things?

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    • sweetpea29

      umm no not really just losing my boyfriend, that count?

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      • RinTin

        lol XD no not really hehe. When I'm alone I'm afraid to eat. I still eat but I get really anxious and I think people are staring at me. I use to not be able to even try. If I'm walking by myself I feel uncomfortable. I have a hard time talking to people even family because I just get anxious. When I was going to school I was the same.

        I asked because I was like that in school and it got worse when I moved a few times and I started getting panic attacks over every little thing and stuff happened and I ended up in the hospital, but I'm always anxious just in general so you probably shouldn't worry about anything.

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        • sweetpea29

          Oh yeah I hate eating in public. But I'm not scared to eat, well maybe just a little. I don't like people watching me and stuff. It makes me nervous and makes me feel fat.
          Oh sorry about you ending up in the hospital :l

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  • imlikeatherapistbutbetter22

    i am the same except you know when i want people to feel foolish by by answering several questions and being right before they can

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  • Avant-Garde

    Damn! I hit "no", mentally take it out and add a "yes".

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  • Avant-Garde

    I do this too. It's too stressful for me to go out and be around lots of people. I'll barely be able to talk much less admit that I have to use the loo. I use to go to summer camp and I would hold myself because I was too scared to admit that I needed to go to the bathroom. Eventually, I learned to train myself not go at all and only go when I got back home. Others did it too, but it probably wasn't due to a "phobia". When it comes to talking I'll become mute/selectively mute. Sometimes, I haven't been able to say anything for days and what comes out is usually a barely audible whisper.

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