Is it normal to be scared of the closet in your room?

My closet is right behind me, wide open and it's just standing there. I feel like a living demon skeleton is gonna snatch me into the darkness and take me to hell. Sometimes I get so scared I can't even turn on the light that's next to me. Is it normal? Is there any way to cure this phobia?

Yes, it's extremely normal. ^-^ 23
Noes, there is no way that could be normal. O_o 6
You need a therapist/doctor. o.e 5
Same here. D: 3
Talk to a parent, stupid. LOL JK! You're not stupid! XD 3
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Comments ( 4 )
  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    I wanted this option: "Talk to a parent, stupid. LOL!
    You're stupid! XD
    You could move the closet, or to teach it a lesson drag it to your back yard and set it on fire.

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    • DoReMiRocker

      Lol my closet can't move it's been in my room for 9 years. XD But yeah that option I should of changed it to that. :P

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  • Ono

    I think Tom cruise is hiding in it.

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    • DoReMiRocker

      LOL! XD

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