Is it normal to be scared of the teddy bear man in the shining?
weird question i know, but i get really scared whenever that scene from the shining comes on where that man is dressed like a bear and just looks at wendy. my sister put on a bear mask for halloween and i just burst into tears it scared me so much. also i know it's a 'parody' but i can't listen to or watch that 30 seconds to mars song 'the kill' just because of it's references to that part in the shining. i love the film but i always have to leave the room when that part comes on... i haven't seen what the bear man actually looks like since i was about 11 when i first watched it... am i just working it up in my head? my friends said i have a phobia...?
btw i'm not the type to get scared easily, i love horror films and haunted houses and all that shit... it's just this one thing that really terrifies me.