Is it normal to be scared of vomit?

ever since a young age i've been scared of vomit...when I see vomit I run away and scream or cover my eyes even if it's a cartoon or someone on tv .... I've not vomited for about 3 years? ... is it normal to be afraid of vomit? please I need so anwers....

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74% Normal
Based on 38 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • alv1592

    Normal. I'm scared of throwing up and seeing other people throw up.

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  • Anime7

    I'd say it's pretty rational to be scared of vomit. I mean it's throw up is very gross and disturbing to see come out.

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  • Threedayz

    Yeah, I myself hate throwing up, it's the worst thing in the world. It provokes some very strong emotions in me, but I'm also intrigued by it. When I was a kid and someone would throw up I would be a little freaked out but very interested in it at the same time, and I would often have to go look at it (while holding my breath). As I got a little older, I still was afraid of throwing up myself, but I started to become aroused in a way at the thought of other girls throwing up, until this day when I am definitely turned on by girls who puke.

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  • tatertot008

    i'm the same way. i actually see a psychiatrist for it, and i have a prescription for zofran, the strongest anti-nausea medicine known to man. if you need to talk about your feelings, i've found that is a very helpful site.

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  • VioletTrees

    I'm bulimic, so I don't know.

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  • asdf_man

    the same way here when i think i am about to puke i cry and get scared

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  • Tazwiz

    Well i once was ill at a friends house and I felt so guilty and helpless. And after that I became terrified of being ill up until a year ago I made myself ill worrying about being ill. Soooo ... Anyway I had it too. I got rid of it by simply being sick and I realised it didn't hurt or it wasn't embarrassing. I was just ill
    It takes time to get over it but eventually I'm sure you'll get better.

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  • ThatsWhatWeDeerDo

    "Emetophobia" Fear of vomit


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