Is it normal to be scared of water?

I am scared of the water.
Ok since I have been watching river monsters I have worried that one day I will get eatin by a fish. Mostly because river monsters came down to the lake that I live on and said that we had Puranas!!! And I have seen so many killer cat fish!! Now I am super scared and what scared me the most is that my friend told me about a book that had a river that is pitch black and that If you get near it a hand will pull you in!!! Is my fear of water normal??

Normal 41
Not normal 39
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Comments ( 18 )
  • dom180

    I was scared of grass when I was a toddler. My parents sometimes put me on a towel in the middle of the garden if they didn't want me to run away :(

    I think fear of large expanses of water or fast flowing are a fairly common phobias (but fear of something like a glass of water isn't normal). It really depends if it's stopping you enjoying life or not; if it is I'd see someone to help "cure" the phobia.

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    • Aww... you aren't still scared are you?

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    • PepsiIsWhatIlove

      That's so cute.

      When I was a toddler I thought my sister was allergic to grass because she would always itch herself after she played outside on the grass. I would do the same because I thought it was normal. I never even thought grass was itchy.. I love grass.

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  • dirtybirdy

    You know, your body is like 60-70% water. Oh dear.

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    • Iamagirl

      More like 90% even more ahhhh my cat is fluffy

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      • 90% if you're a jellyfish.

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        • Iamagirl

          I am

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          • agirl

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  • _Molotov_Cocktail_

    Even scarier than water is your grammar and spelling. Come to Leningrad primary school, we will teach you a thing or two. Here, take a Molotov cocktail to protect yourself against the nasty "puranas".
    *hands Molotov cocktail

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  • eastbeast

    Lots of people are afraid of water. Some are afraid of the soap that accompanies it.

    Puranas you need to watch out for, are they anything like Piranhas?

    I saw a killer Cat fish once.

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    actually river monster do not exist so please cheer up.

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  • Aub

    Yes! You never know what could be lurking in there!

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  • Isabella80s

    Yes and no. I think your imagination is getting carried away a bit! But I'm sure it's a common thing to be anxious over (particularly for any non-swimmers.) Vast expanses of water make me feel nervous, especially when you can't see to the bottom - which most of the time, you can't. I'm not a fan of being in/on a boat unless it's a really big boat....

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  • It's a cool show.

    And it's normal to be afraid of some water, like water in the wild, but not water you drink or a pool.

    Tell Jeremy he's scared you! He may think it's cool.

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  • augustxo

    There are no river monsters. The water offers a lot of great things, and you'll be missing out on a lot of fun experiences if you don't get over your phobia.

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  • gummy_jr

    So I guess you can't take a shower huh... Wear plenty of deodorant

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  • PepsiIsWhatIlove

    Stop watching River Monsters. My 6th grade teacher said that he doesn't watch anything scary. That's how he is never scared of anything. Yeah, he sounds boring, but I guess he was pretty cool. I love being scared sometimes.

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  • robokid

    im just gonna throw it out there. ur body contains water so its not normal. im not saying my phobias normal. mines worse than yours.

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