Is it normal to be scared of what you wanna do in the future?

This just doesn't make sense but it does in my head. I am an introvert however, I can be really outgoing. But for the most part I keep things to myself and like relaxation. In terms I my career though, I want to be in broadcast journalism. Aside from it being my dream job, I also wanna do something that people probably never see me doing. Basically I'm challenging myself but career wise, is that a good or bad thing? It is my dream job though so its not like I just chose it for the challenge. Right now I am in a huge mess of being scared of publi speaking. Even just being called on freaks me out. I hate my voice, gestures and what I say. The worst part tho is people in my class notice too. That doesnt help one bit. I guess I am known for the awkward one who can't public speak. So if everyone knew they'd ask are you sure broadcast journalism is right or you? I'd say okay maybe not right now but I can still see myself doing it. I don't want to think this challenge is too serious to take on. Is this normal? Basically being scared of what you wanna do? It's like you hate people but want to become a nurse cause you wanna help people. Or you're scared of animals but pursuing zoology.

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96% Normal
Based on 28 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    Yeah, because I am in the Army (AIT right now) and my future job might involve me getting shot at.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I'm not scared i just don't know what i want in life.

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    • peterr

      You want to suck cocks as you have implied by your comments on other issues. You queer.

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      • Terence_the_viking

        You play the pipe peterr piper.

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        • peterr

          Haven't yet!

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          • Terence_the_viking

            Petite poisson?

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  • Watchout

    I am also introverted and i love acting and spelling bee so much but i'm just so scared to do them. I also think that i have a less confidence and it really freaks me out.

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  • Holzman67

    This reminds me of a good little film called "rocket science." Its based on a true story, the directors youth, as a teenager that has a chronic stutter and joins the debating team. Recommend.

    The movie is not typical in a Hollywood sense as the debating doesnt magically improve the boys oral ability. But it does give him purpose, a challenge in his life and esteem. Essentially its a coming of age tale. I feel this can be applied to your situation.
    Apprehension is normal, as is nerves and anxiety. But don't let fear run (or ruin) your life. You can overcome it.

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    • This came on time for a presentation right before. It made me feel a little so thanks. But what if you just suck ? I understand it's meaningful that I tried but still, in reality what if I look like a fool? Can't go through with that.

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      • Holzman67

        Well it depends how badly you want to be in broadcast journalism. Like anything, confidence comes from experience and practice. You may have to suffer a little bit now in terms of shame but always keep in mind the greater goal. Keep the sense of purpose. I'd imagine being a broadcast journalist would involve speaking in front of a camera, which is alot easier than the public speaking youre doing now. You're setting yourself in good stead. I admire you by the way, very few people find it easy to stand up in front of a crowd and speak!

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