Is it normal to be scared of your moms death?

My mom passed away from cancer when I was 9. And I seriously think about me getting it a lot. I am so afraid of getting it and dying. I'm afraid of having to go through everything she went through. It drives me crazy sometimes. Is it normal to be this scared of it? Should I relax?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • redrosesinspace

    Your mom wouldn't want to see you suffering with worry, you should just relax. Also, sorry about your loss. Good luck. :))

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  • Squashgordo

    I know this is what everybody says, but I don't know what else to say: Sorry for your loss. I bet it's a meaningless phrase now. Anyhow, don't get worried about it. If you are really, really concerned then go see a doc.

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  • ProseAthlete

    It's very normal and very frustrating. I'm so sorry for your loss and for your anxiety about cancer.

    I lost my mom to heart disease ten years ago this month, and to this day, I fear heart problems even though I've had checkups and seem healthy. Something must eventually carry all of us away, I know, but when it happens when someone's young, it's easy to let that death loom large and imagine any little twinge of pain as the herald of doom.

    I eventually sought therapy to cope with the anxiety, and while it didn't totally erase it, it has become much more manageable. You deserve some peace of mind and the ability to relax; a therapist might help you gain that.

    Good luck, and I mean that truly. I empathize completely and know how hard it is to create a "new normal" after such a devastating loss.

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  • Coolieo

    What red said- don't be afraid.. yea, you should relax. The only reason you should be worried is if you have any signs of the cancer she had. Your mother really wouldn't want to see you crying and going crazy over that because she loves you, and wants to see you happy. (;

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