Is it normal to be scared of your parents as an adult?

Don't get me wrong, my parents have their good days but they also have their bad days. My father tends to put on an intimidating act when he's not in the best mood. I don't get hit or anything like that, but he does tend to vent his anger out on me more than I'd like.

I'm an adult and consciously choose not to participate in those situations. However, I can still feel his intimidating presence sometimes, and honestly it can scare the shit out of me if I don't have my guard up.

Is this normal? Do a lot of fathers try to intimidate their sons?

Voting Results
58% Normal
Based on 38 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • insidious22

    Sounds like your afraid of him did he hit you when you were young I was afraid of my Dad for a long time until I stood up to him. Your an Adult and have to start treating him as one Stand up to him.

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  • suo_per_sempre1022

    I love my dad, but he intimidates me. I'm a 20 year old girl and my dad has NEVER hit me or touched my physically, but he has screamed at me, thrown water in my face, had violent fights with my mother where he threw over furniture and what not. So when he gets quiet or I can;t gauge his reaction I get really nervous.

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  • ForMyPeaceOfMind

    It's normal for a parent...especially a father, to show intimidation! They want you to respect them and to respect other adults as well. However, now that you are grown...I guess your father still wants to prove that he is the elder...and he doesn't want you to forget it!

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  • Yes.

    My father is like that too. He'll come at me with a purple face, jaw clenched, and his arm back as if he is going to hit me, but he never actually hits me - he just stops a couple feet away. He stopped beating on me when I was 18, but even now, many many years later, I am still kind of afraid of him and his temper. I'm a daughter.

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