Is it normal to be scared to be scared of lifts (elevators)?

Ever since I was really young, I have been scared of lifts. I don't really know why, but I hate the feel I get when it goes up/down. I know it's completely safe, and even if it does break down, it's fine, but I still don't like them, and always take the escalators. Am I normal?

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 80 votes (68 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • com999

    Actually I am afraid too after I heard that people get killed on them every year.

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  • I hate elevators too. Being in a box that could fall to the ground and kill you at any moment is scary.

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  • I hate elevators and escalators, mostly elevators though because I've seen too many horror films with things going wrong with them.

    I mean... it could plummet, right?

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  • GuessWho

    Maybe it's Claustrophobia, the fear of having no escape and being closed in small spaces or rooms.

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  • Frosties

    Do you ever get that thing on the escalator where you think you're going to fall forwards or backwards? That happens to me all the time and it scares me more than lifts, even though I was once stuck in a lift at Christmas with about a dozen people for two hours. I swear the oxygen was starting to run out.

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